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Border Emergency Update (Day 2) - America Where Are You - We Are Being Invaded!

8:40 AM MDT Saturday, May 13, 2023

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Will this crisis on the border become the necessary catalyst to not just wake Americans up, but to propel us into action? What action? I’m seeing a lot of comments on Social Media that go something like this: “Our government is not going to help us and nothing will change until we take matters into our own hands.” That is a true statement. But what do we do many are starting to ask?

Where are the community rallies against this crisis and all of the other atrocities that our corrupt federal government is burying us with. Where is the public outcry. I don’t see anyone out in the streets peacefully protesting. Where are the pastors in the churches, why are they not standing up against this tidal wave of evil overspreading America? For those who are…thank you for your courage. For the rest of you…shame on you! Where are the prayer vigils? Where are our local and state government elected officials? Where is the public outcry? Where are the special elections to remove these corrupt public officials? Where are the community masses showing up at school board and PTA meetings to stand against the evil that is being forced upon our children in our public schools? What are we the people doing to fix the voter fraud in this country? America…where are you? Our home is being invaded and we are under attack! Wake Up And Get Involved!

Bitching and complaining on Social Media is an outlet. I understand that but other than bringing attention to the problems nothing else gets accomplished. I once had a dear friend tell me this. People will not change until the pain of what they are doing becomes more overwhelming than the pleasure of their actions. Or inactions I may add. We’ve been lulled to sleep. We’ve been deceived. We’ve believed a hundred years of lies from our government and it’s lap dogs the Mainstream Media (MSM). Sadly now it’s time to pay the piper. Yes America is a captured nation politically and in many other ways, and our government is corrupt as hell. But how did we get here? Apathy, indifference, and simply not giving a rats ass when we should have has lead us down this road to internal destruction. We do reap what we sow.

I reposted this incredible article by the 17th Special Operations Group as couple of days ago. Here it is again.

Dear Patriots

Why are you not using and protecting me?

MAY 10, 2023

Dear Patriots,

I am writing to you today not as a mere piece of parchment, but as the embodiment of the soul of America. For over two centuries, I have stood as a bulwark of liberty, protecting the rights and freedoms of all citizens of this great nation. Throughout history, I have worked to preserve citizen rights, such as the abolishment of slavery through the 13th Amendment and ensuring women's right to vote with the 19th Amendment. But today, I am worried, deeply concerned about the state of our beloved country.

Multiple lines of attack have been bestowed upon me. Oh, where are you, my patriots? Why aren't you using and protecting me? The enemy hates me, the freedom and liberty that I conceive; some are foreign, and some domestic. Do they not see that I protect them too?

I have been violated in so many ways; my principles and values have been trampled upon. Our enemies threaten my very existence, and by tens of thousands of my citizens, I am ignored. What troubles me more is the lack of protection, the lack of concern for me from those who are sworn to uphold and defend me. So-called patriots who have lost faith in me. It seems as though everyone has forgotten about me, those who should be my staunchest defenders seem to have lost their way.

Numerous attacks continue to be directed at me - where are my fellow patriots? Why are you not using and protecting me? The Civil Rights movement in the 1960s was a pivotal time when citizens utilized me to fight against segregation and discrimination, ultimately leading to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Where is the American spirit of the patriots who wrote me? Why must we divide ourselves into factions? Are we not all Americans first? Our adversaries use division, false pride, and un-American theories to separate you from me, attempting to persuade you that I am outdated and cannot be saved. That I must be violated to restore me. But I am not broken! I am still efficient; I have only been violated, and that has legal consequences if only we would use and protect me. Put aside our differences, it is time patriots, it's time to unite!

But I refuse to give up hope, for I still believe that there are patriots out there who care for me and will do everything in their power to protect me. I call upon you, my fellow citizens, my beloved patriots, to rise up and defend me, to protect the values and principles that made this country great, to stand up to those who seek to undermine and destroy everything I represent.

I implore you to take action, to use me, to make your voice heard, and to defend me against all threats, foreign and domestic. Let us work together to restore the ideals of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that I embody. Let us renew our commitment to the common good of our great republic and work towards my core principles.

I urge you to take up the banner of patriotism and fight for the principles that made this country great. I remain optimistic that we can overcome the challenges that face us, but only with your help and support. The future of our great Republic rests in your hands, my beloved patriots.

Yours truly,

The US Constitution

By SpartanAltsobaPatriot, 17th SOG

Lately, I have been often wondering if the Constitution could speak, what would it say to us? I will say that while writing this, it was quite an emotional experience. I don't know why, but it tugged at my heartstrings. I shared a smaller version on Twitter, Telegram, and TS. However, I felt that there was too much left out. So, I decided to publish the original one I wrote for you all. I felt that the timing was perfect for our current situation.

We have a lot to do, guys. We have to start now. For me, my focus has been on knowledge of local government systems and the concept of planning. We cannot have effective action without a plan. But we cannot plan effectively without knowledge of our battlefield, local politics. We are behind the curve, and the only way to get back, at the speed we need, and with the creativity that it's going to require, is to learn YOUR local politics.

It won't take long; I can promise you that. Especially when you're focused on your own local government. For me, it took about 4 1/2 months because I had to try and learn all the different systems used in the United States. But that gave me a very unique perspective. I was able to see common factors that apply to all local governments, which enabled me to create a planning system that applies to any local government in the US.

I'm going to make a recommendation for those who have not really participated in local politics before. Stop everything you're doing extracurricularly, and focus on learning your system. Forget everything; focus on knowledge and understanding the system that governs your community. Only then can you figure out how you can engage yourselves.

Perhaps someday, with our current technology developing, it would be really nice if you could actually talk and interact with local charters, statutes, state constitutions, and the US Constitution. That would be a game-changing moment in our history. Perhaps someday soon.

I was inspired to write this letter by an article that I read from WordShark, Dear Diana. It was a quite touching article, especially if you knew her when she was still alive. You can check out WordShark's article here. To WordShark, keep up the good work; that was an awesome article!

Michael Yon was the youngest Green Beret member to ever serve in that honored unit. This man is an American hero in my books. He is fearlessly standing up against the Globalist Cabal and exposing them hideous plans to overthrow America with their illegal invasion on our borders.


Texas Governor Abbot is part of the Kayfabe.


MAY 13, 2023

El Paso Sector Invasion — Shaping Operations and Destination Assignments

You may have seen video of WEF-Governor Greg Abbott who is transparently assigned by WEF to operate Texas sector. Abbott makes a show of resistance but this is all kayfabe. WEF-Governor Abbott is openly overseeing Texas-sector invasion. You may have seen troops unfurling concertina wire. This again is kayfabe, and a shaping operation.

The dust obscures not only sight but truth on the border. Photo Copyright 2023 Michael Yon.

“Shaping” is a military term that includes creating conditions to divert or cause others to react or travel or stay in place…or do something…that you desire. Such as unfurling wire causes cameras to go to that location, and causes aliens to cross where WEF-OGUS wants them to cross. Aliens are crossing in thousands of locations.

There is no single video-shot of the massive sea of tuberculosis and scabies swarming in. Those aliens who respond to shaping operations are “processed” and are either released on the streets, or ASSIGNED places to go and given bus or plane tickets to places like Chicago. Aliens tell us this to our cameras. Notice nearly all the media in El Paso go to Gate 42. The attached drone video was from Gate 42 roughly 15 hours ago.

OGUS-WEF has press-conferences at Gate 42 twice per day. This press “access” and the press conferences draws significant mainstream camera coverage with which OGUS-WEF diverts their attention to this tiny sector away from serious action spots. Those who have followed my work for years know that I have talked about “Gate 42s” all over the world. The diversion for the cameras. There are numerous “Gate 42s” across the southern border. Beware of Gate 42s. Gate 42s are useful for gathering information but also are danger zones, traps, and diversions. Kayfabe.

In clear words, Gate 42 is a stage. A stage like BLM plaza in front of the White House. Created to draw cameras, disseminate propaganda, and provide the CNN-sorts the footage and sound bites they need to work within WEF-OGUS guidelines. Basically, the Gate 42s are like fascist-barbecues.

Beware at Gate 42 in El Paso, or anytime you sense you are at a “Gate 42.”. Anything can happen there. Agent Provocateurs, etcetera, must be expected. Gate 42 is where we encountered the possibly-intoxicated Texas national guardsmen last night who rammed two reporters with his truck. I and others made video. Law enforcement were called by phone, responded, and covered up for the Staff Sergeant. Took him to the other side of the wall and hid him from us. We got on video including the law officer who did it, just two feet from me. Perfect audio and video.


The dance.

This is a dangerous situation. Anything can happen J6-style. It’s all kayfabe — and potentially deadly.

Beware of all “Gate 42s” There is no truth without context. The more context you have, the more you can sense the battlefield.

Please share this. We are being destroyed.

Stephen Miller, AFL, and Texas AG Ken Paxton File Emergency Legal Action to Shut Down Biden’s Plan to Open Border and Flood America with Millions of Illegals

By Jim Hoft May. 12, 2023 8:40 pm

Joe Biden ended Title 42 migration restrictions on Thursday and opened up the US southern border to the world.

Over 5 million illegal aliens have entered the US during Joe Biden’s first two years in office. Over 10 million are expected with the elimination of title 42.

A nation without a border is not a nation.

America First Legal reported:

Today, America First Legal (AFL) filed a supplemental lawsuit with the state of Texas, and in partnership with a coalition of states, against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for illegally authorizing an unlawful policy that will allow hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to be released into the United States. This brazen policy is in direct violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act and the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

The policy, called “Parole with Conditions,” allows aliens at the border to enter the United States virtually consequence-free. Under the policy, aliens receive a document requesting them to come back to DHS at some point in the future to be processed for immigration court proceedings. However, they almost never suffer any consequences if they ignore the request. The Parole with Conditions policy is a shameless violation of federal immigration law, which requires that aliens who cross the border illegally be processed right away for immigration court proceedings and that they be detained until their immigration court proceedings have concluded.

Parole with Conditions will cause irreparable harm to the United States. Costs for public education, law enforcement, incarceration, unreimbursed health care, and other public services for such illegal aliens will skyrocket – burdening the State of Texas, and every other State. Once paroled, these illegal aliens are released into the United States without restrictions as to where they may go and without monitoring or other safeguards to track their whereabouts. Even worse, federal regulations give paroled aliens the eventual right to receive public benefits such as welfare payments, food stamps, and Medicaid.

America Last: NY Hotels Evict Struggling Homeless Veterans to Make Room for Illegal Aliens

By Jim Hoft May. 13, 2023 7:15 am

New York Mayor Eric Adams is discovering the complications that come with Biden’s broken immigration policy.

The Gateway Pundit reported that thousands of illegal immigrants have arrived in NYC in the last few months and city taxpayers have spent millions caring for these invaders. NYC officials have placed them in at least 14 hotels at zero cost.

Felipe Rodriguez, a whistleblower who has been an employee at the Row Hotel since 2017, shared his concerns with Fox News,

“The chaos that we see at the Row today is compiled by migrants being drunk, drinking all day, smoking marijuana, consuming drugs, and domestic violence, uh, people having sex in the stairs, young people, teenagers, they use the fire exit stairs to go in there and do that they do.”

“We have people actually trying to act like the hotel is theirs and we have no rights. The form in which they keep their rooms is horrendous. They don’t clean it, they don’t fold their clothes. It’s piles and piles, they’re hoarding clothes, they’re hoarding whatever they can hoard.”

“There’s no accountability. And when you go into their rooms and say something, the hotel management, especially the GM [general manager] has directed us that we’re not allowed to tell them nothing. They have carte blanche at the Row.”


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