Stack updated at 12:02 PM MDT Thursday, October 31, 2024.
Link to my cover video: Oct 30, 2024
Ann Vandersteel "Foreign Interference & Civil Unrest Coming.." 10-31-24
Ann Vandersteel returns to Ninoscorner to give an update on what she is witnessing boots on the ground regarding hurricane Helene and illegal immigrants showing up in buses to vote bypassing Americans standing in lines.. She's on her way to investigate a FEMA camp in North Carolina. BUCKLE UP
𝙰𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 @AAnon55 on X. Where We Go One, We Go All. Music By: @Real_MrGoode
J.J. Carrell: Are Americans Being Set Up For The Violence Described in The Obama's Movie Leave The World Behind?
Brannon Howse Live Oct 31, 2024
The portrait above is courtesy of JMAC.
Nobody trolls the Deep State better than DJT. He taunts them, teases them, calls them out, and makes fun of their stupidity and evil. In doing so he causes them to attack prematurely. Yet it is surprising how many people (republicans) still don’t get this. I hear it all the time…”I hope Trump wins but why can’t he just shut up?”
Pictured above is Jennifer Mac’s (Mrs. Savin now) beautiful portrait of President Trump depicted as the El Magador…slaying the Deep State Bull (D/S brand on the bull’s hip). Notice too the Punisher emblem painted on the stands in the upper left-hand corner of the photo. What is Juan O’ Savin telling us here?
Just as a bullfighting matador taunts, teases, and slowly wears the bull down so is President Trump in this fight against the Deep State. This is the reason for his trolling. When all of the fight has gone out of the bull the matador slays the bull. We are almost there.
In five days, America’s fate will be decided. We, the American people, must take a stand, show up, turn out, and vote like our lives and country depend upon it. Because it does. If we prevail well will help President Trump kill the Deep State Bull.
In the county that I live in only 40% of the registered voters voted in the 2020 presidential election. Yet my county is one of the top oil and natural gas producing counties in the nation. Why didn’t people show up to vote? Laziness, apathy, failing to truly understand what was at stake?
Likewise, it has been noted that the Republicans lost the election to Obama (twice) because most Christians didn’t show up to vote and be counted. President Trump has addressed this several times recently in his rallies. We’ve got to swamp the vote!
While the whole nation is caught up in the drama that is unfolding before the election I want you to remember this. Kamala (Cackles) Harris is not eligible to hold the office of POTUS. Her parents were not naturalized citizens of the U.S. when she was born. If the Deep State steals the election and gives her the victory then we will have a Constitutional Crisis upon our hands.
The birthright citizenship debate returns for 2020 election
by Scott Bomboy | August 14, 2020 |
Recent comments from scholars about vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s citizenship status have revived a constitutional debate about birthright citizenship—or the ability of a person to automatically qualify for American citizenship based on their location of birth.
In the case of Harris, the question is relevant because the Constitution in Article II, Section 1 spells out that the Vice President, who is eligible to be President, must be a natural-born citizen.
A Newsweek op-ed piece this week from John C. Eastman—a law professor from Chapman University and senior fellow at the Claremont Institute—raised a question about the citizenship status of Harris’s parents at the time of her birth in California in 1964. Eastman argued that if Harris’s parents were “temporary residents” and not “lawful residents” in the United States at the time of her birth, it could affect her eligibility to be Vice President.
According to his understanding of the 14th Amendment, Eastman said in the op-ed that a person with temporary permission to be in the United States under a student visa would not qualify as a natural-born citizen. Harris’s parents were from India and Jamaica, and they were students in the United States when they met.
“If neither was ever naturalized, or at least not naturalized before Harris’s 16th birthday (which would have allowed her to obtain citizenship derived from their naturalization under the immigration law, at the time), then she would have had to become naturalized herself in order to be a citizen,” Eastman said.
Read the rest of the blog via the link above.
Whether we win or not. Even if the Demoncrat’s do steal, prevent, or delay the election, we still must show up and be counted. As a witness to our great nation, to the world, and to God. It is imperative that We the American People show the world that we are fed up, and sick and tired of the bullshit that has prevailed within our country formulated and promoted by our government for decades. Enough is enough.
We are mad as hell and we aren’t going to take it anymore!
F…k “Let’s Go Brandon” and his asinine comments in which he said that the only garbage he sees floating around are Trump supporters. Not just him but Cackles, Obama, and all of the rest of the Swamps Rats who make up the Deep State!
Biden deliberately made this statement in order to inflame Trump supporters. Once again just another attempt to entrap us. Hoping that we will react violently so that they will have an excuse to declare martial law and suspend the election.
Satanists and occultist love to offer up blood sacrifices on Halloween to please their god…Satan. Will there be some mass causality event today, tonight, or in the next few days to honor this tradition, to kick off the bloodshed that is likely coming because of the election next Tuesday?
So many times I’ve asked what is coming. What is their next move? What’s next?
I don’t know the answer and I don’t know anybody who does. Expect the unexpected. All I can tell you is that you had better be praying for our country like never before. The forces of evil we are fighting have aligned themselves in order to try and destroy those who oppose them…that’s you and I. America is in the crosshairs meaning those of us who still love her are their targets.
Pray for President Trump, his family, and all of those who surround him. Pray for America and the world. Pray for each other. Pray for peace. Keep the faith…now is not the time to give up.
As Scott McKay “The Patriot Street Fighter” says…Hold the forkin line!
VIDEO: Must-Watch New MAHA Ad Featuring Tulsi Gabbard Where She Absolutely DESTROYS Biden-Harris Admin. & The Democrats
The Alex Jones Show Oct 30, 2024
The 'Freedom Force' coalition surrounding Trump is POWERFUL!
Maverick Alexander @MaverickDarby on X. “𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘱: 𝘝𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘚𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳” Thanks in advance for the follow. Made with @lipdubai
In 2011 the iconic, and one of my all-time favorite movies “The Grey” was released. Liam Neeson's performance in this thriller is epic. I see so much symbolism in this movie. In comparing it with the state of the nation now. America is much like Liam. It’s about to embark upon the final battle of his life with the Great Wolf/Deep State.
Did Liam survive this battle? Will America survive her “Near Death Experience?”
Juan has been saying lately that we will go through many trials and tribulations, layered, over the next six months after Tuesday’s election. Some 200 American cities will endure the worst conditions with riots, civil unrest, and chaos. This narrows down to 14 or 15 in time which may be lost.
Once more into the fray...
Into the last good fight I'll ever know.
Live and die on this day...
Live and die on this day...
The Grey (2011) - Live and die on this day...
M. Apr 27, 20212 The Grey (2011) with Liam Neeson
THE GREY - Into The Fray/The City Surf (Piano/Cello/Violin Trio ft. llTheCellist & HarbingerDOOM)
MusicMike512 | Michael Tai Apr 27, 2014
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!
MAGA - Make America Great Again!
WWG1WGA - Where We Go One We Go All!
You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!
There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See!
You Can’t Wake Up - If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep
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