President Trump's Semaphore...Melania Signals "Set Condition Zebra." - Rachel Wrightside Blonde's Take On JFK Jr.'s "Comms" in George Magazine.

Monday, October 28, 2024.

How close are we to the final chess moves in the game of 5-D Chess between the White Hats and the Black Hats? In eight days it will all be over or will it? If you believe the fake propaganda polls that the mainstream media and Fox News keep putting out the race between President Trump and Cackles is nearly neck and neck. Yeah right.

President Trump continues to troll Cackles and the Demoncrats. Some on the right don’t understand what he is doing or why when he does this. He is taunting our enemies, drawing them out, forcing them to make their chess moves prematurely.

Not only is President Trump talking about ending taxes on tips, and social security, but now he is saying he may end personal income taxes on all Americans. Once again he has “Trumped” their plans.

He also says that he will enact the “Alien Enemies Act of 1798” and begin the process of deporting millions of illegal invaders. And that he will ban all Sanctuary Cities. In short, he plans to undo everything that the Deep State has to done to America over the past four years, and punish those responsible.

All indications are that President Trump is winning this upcoming election hands down, by a landslide, a blowout perhaps. This has thrown the Deep State thugs into full-blown panic mode. Nothing is more dangerous than a cornered animal. It will fight to the death to try and save itself. That’s exactly what the Swamp Rats are doing. What will their Hail Mary pass be?

Melania Trump walked onto the stage at last night's rally at Maison Square Garden in a zebra dress—another “comm,” no doubt. What was she communicating as President Trump's semaphore? Black and white stripes…a reminder that we are moving from dark to light. And the war between the White Hats and the Black Hats rages on as the enemies of America are being herded into the kill box (cornered with nowhere to hide). Condition Zebra has been set for the final battle with the Black Hats.

Elon Musk @elonmusk on X.

Jack Poso @JackPosobiec · Oct 25 on X.


Signaling another “comm”…black jacket, gold tie. Make America Great Again in gold on a black hat. Death to our enemies. I Am The Storm. Justice For The American People Is Coming. Judgment Is Coming To The Deep State.

Link to my cover video:

Addressing Q & JFK Jr. Anomalies as November 5th Approaches | 40K FootView with JMC Ep. 24

JMC & Rachael Wrightside Blonde Oct 25, 2024.

Rachel is a patriot from Iowa who decided to get involved in 2021. After finding her first original George Magazine in a basement, she began collecting every issue of the original George Magazine. In January 2022, she started a weekly show called “The George Collection” using her online name: WRITESIDE BLONDE. In the show, she dives into the magazines in search of coincidences and foretelling’s and has found countless astonishing facts. She worked for the new George Magazine for over a year and interviewed RFK Jr, Mike Huckabee,  Terrell Owens, and many other notable names during her time there. In January, she left the new George Magazine and is now focused solely on JFK Jr’s original George Magazines, her show “The George Collection”, and creating uplifting content in the form of videos and poems. 

Frank a LI NY Patriot and digital warrior, shares his experience at recent Trump rally and inspires Americans to have an open mind and to seek to discover truths.

  • Is JFK Jr. still with us? 

  • Why has Trump over these years pointed to Q and Jr related issues?

  • President Trump mentions JFK Jr. in relatively recent interview. Did he mean RFK Jr?

  • Vincent Fusco and Juan O’ Savin – who are these men?

  • Whose on the front cover of issue number 47 of original George Magazine – issue 47? You guessed it – DJT!

  • Coincidences and anomalies of the original George magazine 

  • The purpose and mission of the original George magazine

  • Rolling Stones – Jr and Trump

  • Lung attacking virus 2020 mentioned in original George Magazine

  • Jr. mentions patriot act – Gates population control and much more

  • Lights-Cameras- Politics and Central Casting – “Enjoy the Show”

  • Rappers discussed – Puffy (Diddy) discussed) questioning who killed Biggie and others

  • Note from Jr. to DJT 

  • Approaching the finish line – God has been and remains with us – Victory ahead

  • Frank a LI NY Patriot weighs in with important messages to fellow Americans as well as his experience at the recent Trump rally on LI in NY

Rachael Wrightside Blonde gives her take on the “comms” President Trump has been dropping for the last four years. Below are some of her comments about this.

For me, it's a lot of the coincidences with the Trump rallies and things that are playing out. I just don't feel like Trump would be pointing to the magazines as much as he is.

And I am hoping john that we're still going to see that i still hope we're going to see that maybe before even the election. Wishful thinking i know but that's just this. This issue um besides that we here enjoy the show.  Here's another cover right here uh lights camera politics trump always talks about central casting he talks about they're the the movie generals, the tv generals.

And then when you go to his editor's letter, John Kennedy's editor's letter in this magazine, let me just pull it up here.

You'll love this one. At the very bottom, it says, I need to go the other way.
Sorry. There we go. Can you see that? Enjoy the show at the very bottom.
So there's another one. Another huge one that Donald Trump points out, another cover. He says, we will make America great again. We'll make America strong again. We will make America proud again. He's directly answering the cover of this magazine.

Um, this one's kind of cool. This is the first issue.

And interrupt me if I'm talking too much, I get really passionate about this stuff. So this was the first issue and it talks about John Kennedy, George president dodging bullets, FBI, and then the re the next revolution. So lots of, uh, key words on the cover of this magazine. 

Now, if you're, let's say the conspiracy is true and that George senior was there that day in Dallas and you see this cover and you see John Kennedy, George president dodging bullets, FBI. I mean, wouldn't you be like, what is he trying to do here? What's he trying to do?

Sometime in the last month or so, the president was doing an interview with some high-profile somebody. I don't remember who it was. And President Trump,
you know, he always leans forward in the interviews when he's in the two-chair interview. And he said, he referred to, you know, JFK Jr., JFK Jr., meaning RFK Jr. Now... It's easy to say it was just a mistake, but a mistake wasn't corrected by the interviewer or by President Trump. And while Trump is human and can make mistakes, I don't consider it a mistake.

Israel Strikes Iran in Retaliatory Attack

The Israeli military said Saturday that it had struck Iran in response to several Iranian attacks on Israel, raising fears that a long-brewing confrontation between two of the most powerful militaries in the Middle East could escalate into an all-out war.

The military said in a statement at 2:30 a.m. that it was “conducting precise strikes on military targets in Iran” in response to more than a year of attacks on Israel by Iran and its allies across the Middle East. Just after 6 a.m., the military said the strikes had concluded.

The White House expressed support for Israel’s operation, calling it targeted and proportionate, while expressing the belief that it should be the end of the direct military exchange between Israel and Iran. An official who briefed reporters said the United States would again come to Israel’s defense if Iran chooses to retaliate. — NYT

Our Take:

So here we go, again. More of the same old d--k measuring contest to see which side is more insecure.

Israel has launched a "limited" strike against Iran, and the MSM is already tripping all over itself to assert that Iran has no right to self-defense. Basically, Israel is allowed to act with impunity, because the rules don't apply to Israel. Iran is already being blamed and victim-shamed just hours after it was bombed in real life. If it chooses to respond, it will be villainized for simply doing what Israel did after October 7 of last year.

BRICS, and others, have been telegraphing the notion that Iran will not respond to Israel's attack. Whether that remains true is yet to be seen, but if Iran does choose to walk away from the situation, it will have effectively won the narrative war—especially if Netanyahu decides to pursue Iran further in kinetic conflict.

Iran has demonstrated, thus far, that it possesses the discipline to take this step, but whether it actually will remains to be seen. If it does choose peace, then it will have done what Israel has proven incapable of, thus far. Meanwhile, a Jewish member of the Iranian Parliament voiced his opinion for a strong response against the "Zionist regime."

Did y’all know that Iran had a Jewish lawmaker? I didn't. Why aren't we ever told these things? —


Cliff High believes that it is time for the Deep State to play their “Fake Alien Invasion” card.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

MAGA - Make America Great Again!

WWG1WGA - Where We Go One We Go All!

You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See!

You Can’t Wake Up - If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep

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