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The Restrict Act Bill - S.686 Video

Sunday, April 23, 2023.

Should Congress pass this bill our 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech will end in America! So much attention has been given to our 2nd Amendment Rights while our 1st Amendment is quietly being stolen from us through Social Media censorship and via the Mainstream Media (MSM) censorship.

All of our national attention is focused on these senseless MK Ultra public mass shootings while these Deep State Globalists (both sides of the Congressional aisle are involved) are quietly working behind the scenes to pass this bill. In my humble opinion I think that these shootings are in part distractions or smoke screens to keep our focus away from this bill.

This is the most dangerous bill ever proposed in Congress and we must stand up, speak out, and stop it before it is too late. Contact your Congressional representatives and ask them to vote “NO” on this bill.

The RESTRICT Act is the final TYRANNY nail in the coffin of the crumbling republic

Mini-documentary from Mike Adams explains the horrifying dangers of the RESTRICT Act now being pushed to criminalize free speech in America. The government could use this act to seize websites of alt media, imprison anyone who disagrees with the regime and even burn down Christian churches, Waco-style, if they refuse to bow down to the LGBT agenda. The RESTRICT Act is pure tyranny and pure evil. Make sure your representatives know to OPPOSE it at every level.

S.686 - RESTRICT Act

Introduced in Senate (03/07/2023)

Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act or the RESTRICT Act

This bill requires federal actions to identify and mitigate foreign threats to information and communications technology (ICT) products and services (e.g., social media applications). It also establishes civil and criminal penalties for violations under the bill.

Specifically, the Department of Commerce must identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, investigate, and mitigate transactions involving ICT products and services (1) in which any foreign adversary (such as China) has any interest, and (2) that pose an undue or unacceptable risk to U.S. national security or the safety of U.S. persons.

Additionally, Commerce must identify and refer to the President any covered holding (e.g., stock or security) that poses an undue or unacceptable risk to U.S. national security or the security and safety of U.S. persons. If the President determines that the holding poses such a risk, the President may compel divestment of or otherwise mitigate the risk associated with the holding.

Commerce may (1) designate any foreign government or regime as a foreign adversary upon a determination that the foreign government or regime is engaged in a long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to U.S. national security or the security and safety of U.S. persons, and (2) remove such a designation. Commerce must notify Congress before making or removing a designation; these actions are subject to congressional disapproval.

The bill outlines (1) enforcement mechanisms, including actions by the Department of Justice; and (2) civil and criminal penalties for violations.


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What's Going On - Waking Up To The Truth!
Wendell L. Malone