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War & Chaos Coming On Multiple Fronts - A Summer Of Trouble!

Saturday, June 22, 2024.

SGAnon sat down with David “Nino” Rodriguez a couple of days ago in an interview. This was an explosive conservation, to say the least. In order to get the full jest of the conservation watch the YouTube video below where they start the discussion. Then watch the fourteen-minute clip of the interview above. Watch the full interview with SG via this link (( These two videos provide an excellent overall summary of where we’ve been, where we are at, and what is coming.

We are coming to a head in this war over who controls America and the world. There is growing evidence that NATO and the West will drag the world into WWIII (or WWWIV as “107” says) this summer or fall. This may only be weeks or a few months away.

New war is coming – UN - The dire warning comes amid rising tensions between Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Israel and Hezbollah are on the verge of an all-out full-blown war that will ignite the whole Middle East and drag the U.S., Russia, China, and Iran into it.

Russia has readied an additional 170,000 troops for a full-blown invasion of Ukraine. NATO and the West are stagging troops in Poland and western Ukraine. That powder keg is set to blow anytime and has a real potential to go into a limited nuclear exchange in Europe.

Meanwhile, the U.S. is being surrounded by Russian and Chinese troops and Navies in the Caribbean, South America, Mexico, and off the West Coast. North Korea and Russia just signed a pact together pledging to back one another in the event of war with the U.S.

The Chinese Navy has Taiwan surrounded and there is also growing concerns that an invasion of Taiwan is on the verge of happening.

In the midst of all of the above chaos we still have the financial crisis and the collapse of the dollar looming along with a stock market crash. Last week for the first time in 40 years Saudi Arabia made the move to quit selling its oil via the dollar. Many believe that this along with the recent BRICS alignments signifies that the end is very near for the dollar.

Don’t forget about the Southern Border invasion. This will play a major role in the attempted takedown of America from within. Then will start with chaos in our major democratic controlled cities this summer many believe.

Biden is on his way out. Will the 25th Amendment be invoked by the Democratic Party to accomplish this? Who replaces him? What role do Hillary Clinton and Gavin Newsom play in this?

I am not a pessimist, a doomsday fanatic, nor a Debbie Downer. I am a realist and every scenario I am describing above is on the verge of all happening together whether some people believe it or not.

The Truther community, Q posts, QAnons, Maga groups, Influencers, and others have been warning us about this year, specifically this summer and fall over the past four years. God always warns his people ahead of time of impending judgment. Judgment is soon at to be a hand. We have arrived.

Many of us are tired. We’ve been mocked, shunned, ignored, ridiculed, harassed, and teased about what we believe by our own families, friends, and co-workers. It has been a long hard lonely road to travel the past four years. However, now is not the time to grow faint of heart or give up. This all is coming to a head and very soon. Keep the faith. Look up. Trust the plan. Seek God’s guidance and protection through his loving son Jesus Christ. We win because God wins in the end.

SG RETURNS! The Crisis Heading Into November.. BUCKLE UP!

David Nino Rodriguez June 21, 2024


Canadian Prepper Jun 20, 2024


Monkey Werx US Jun 20, 2024

"Something has changed and Putin is preparing for FULL war with NATO" says EX-CIA Agent | Redacted

Redacted Jun 18,, 2024

Ex-CIA Agent Larry Johnson joins Redacted live to talk about Victor Orban's latest NATO warning. He says NATO is preparing for full war with Russia and building three new NATO bases to strategically provide weapons into Ukraine. Serbia's leader Vucic says war with Russia is only 3 months away.

SGAnon on X.

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