Are You: Red Pilled/Black Pilled - Or Both? Final Moves By The Deep State! - Prepping For The Fake Alien Invasion? - Christians Being Slaughtered In Syria!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024.

Link to my cover video:

COUP NOW UNDERWAY: Race-Based Civil War, Fake Alien Invasion, Nuclear Armageddon, Economic Collapse, Cyber Attack, & New Plandemic— Deep State Is Throwing EVERYTHING They Have At Trump To Stop His MAGA Agenda & Prevent 1776 Worldwide Revolution Against Globalism

The Alex Jones Show Dec 10, 2024

Opening comments from Alex Jones in my cover video:

So there's a soft launch of Bluebeam. World War III is now officially, we're in it. We're living in it right now. 

They've already hit us with a giant viral attack and bioweapon attacks with a shot. Synthetic attack. And then they're rolling out new total hysteria officially. 

So we're in a new multiple-plandemic hysteria launch, World War III, Blue Beam soft launch. They're doing the soft launch of the race war cover. If Trump gets in in 40 days, as the Democrats have officially said they will do, they will then hype up racial division. They will then demonize Trump for arresting illegals and human traffickers and drug dealers and deporting them.

And then they've said Trump's going to kill the migrants and the black people with no evidence. Obviously, they're gonna add the final ingredient of a false flag or false flags. And then have the Democrat states and cities secede, say that he's not the president. When he tries to call ii the military constitutionally, they will declare it unconstitutional, as the Pentagon already says it's unconstitutional for him to use the military domestically.

When that's not true, when they're aiding local law enforcement or the Border Patrol in taking out aliens under the law, it's in the Constitution. It's in the Bill of Rights. I mean, it's in the Declaration of Independence, for God's sakes. Heaven's sakes. So that's an official plan. 

So they've got the race war as the cover for civil unrest, martial law, bring in total control. I mean, that's where we are. It is now official on every front.

The globalists are trying to trigger a race war in America as the cover for a coup against President Trump and mass uprisings. That's official. I've been telling you for years that if Trump could retake the White House, that was one of their main plans because they had publicly prepared it.

Now we're here. And they're using the Daniel Penney case to say burn down the country, kill all the white people. That is a tiny minority, a brainwash leftist black people on the Soros payroll. 

So they've got that heated up in case they can't kill Trump before he gets into office. That'll be one of the big challenges they throw at him there.

How can I claim that I am “ Red Pilled” when I share so much “Black Pill” information? Seems like a contradiction right? Not really when you step back and view the world from the big picture point of view. Honestly, I’m “Red Pilled” but centered with a balance of “Black Pilled” thinking. How can this be?

For those that are considered to be “Blue Pilled” well just look at the radical left and this woke generation. They are lost (unless they wake up and start thinking for themselves). To be fair some are doing just that but not the majority of them. Thus the Great Awakening…exposing the lies and propaganda, and helping those who want and are willing “to wake up and see the truth.”

First of all, you simply cannot be 100% one way or the other in my humble opinion. Even the Q posts/drops contained misinformation to throw off the Black Hats or Deep State players… as some of us believe. Being 100% “Black Pilled” means that one believes that everything has completely gone to hell with no hope of recovery. Being 100% “Red Pilled” means that one believes that everything is 100% completely under total control of the White Hats and nothing bad is coming…as some think.

Like most things in life, we often find that the truth lies hidden somewhat in the gray areas or the middle ground. Not that the truth is gray, just that sometimes it’s not that oblivious and easy to see or understand.

Alex Jones and many of his guests often paint the “Black Pilled” view of current events. Hold on. Maybe not as much as some may believe. If you listen closely to him and his other hosts in the videos I share from Banned.Video you will find “Red Pills” tossed around. What he is trying to do in my humble opinion is show us what we are going to face from the Globalists and their Deep State puppets before President Trump returns to office.

Sorting out what is true, what is false, what is good information, what is misinformation, and what are total lies, is no easy task. Nor is it for the lazy or disinterested. Digging through the propaganda mounds of pure bullshit is sometimes exhausting. The MSM is the disinformation arm of the elite Globalists…stop listening to them. Their job is to keep us from seeing or discovering the truth.

My intent is simply to help you to find the truth amid their sea of lies. Am I always right? No, but I try hard not to be wrong! And I haven’t found anyone in the truther, and alternative movements who is. Waking up and realizing we’ve been lied to our whole lives, for decades, and generations, is sometimes a slow and painful process. Not everyone wakes up at the same time, at the same rate, or on the same level.

What’s up with all of the recent UFO/UAP/Drone sightings over New Jersey and other parts of the country? I find it incredibly hard to believe the narrative being put forth by the Mockingbird Media that claims that State Governors, the Federal Government, the Military, and Law Enforcement all claim to be clueless about this. When they publicly say that they don’t know what is going on, then I conclude that they are the ones behind this mystery.

Do not be surprised though if and when they try and blame Russia, China, Iran, or some other nation-state player. Wait a minute…they already are. What they may be doing is softening up or prepping us for their coming Fake Alien Invasion. Or they may be setting up Iran for a False Flag attack by the U.S., Israel, or both. The fear factor they are promoting is starting to go off the charts. How do you control a population or country? One way is to scare them to death. They always show us or tell us what they are doing before they do it.

Nothing is as it seems as we go from dark to light. Don’t get lost in the rabbit holes!

Hegelian dialectic is ‘PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION’ and how it works is like this: 

The government creates or exploits a problem in which attributes blame to others.

The people react by asking the govt for protection and help (safety and security) to help solve the problem. Then, the government offers the solution that was planned by them long before the crisis occurred.

What’s the outcome? The outcome of all of this is: the rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help.  

Owen Shroyer @OwenShroyer1776 What’s really going on with these “Iranian” drones?

"We just saw 50 UFO's emerge from the ocean and shoot up into the sky" NJ Congressman | Redacted

Redacted Dec 10, 2024

The Truth About the Drone Invasion and What Our Military Really Knows

Grant Stinchfield Dec 11, 2024

The public, our military and even law enforcement all have their eyes on the skies. A mysterious drone invasion from New York and New Jersey to Nevada and Oregon have witnesses baffled by what they are seeing. At times large swarms of unidentified flying objects can be seen buzzing military bases and even residential neighborhoods.

Government officials claim there is nothing to be concerned about. They are wrong. This episode of "Stinchfield" goes through the likely suspects of who may be responsible for deploying the drones. Some of those suspects you will expect to hear listed, others you will not!

KW Norton nails it with her latest stack published today.


The Ramp Up To the WEF's Great Reset Is Here

KW NORTON Dec 11, 2024

Many of you may have noticed that it is more and more impossible to get reliable information from any source - both mainstream and alternative media being swamped by useless sensationalized “information “.

We are being swamped with inconsequential and sensationalized misinformation.

Information presented as news which has little to no relevance to our lives and which serves only to increase anxiety and stress is not news but deliberate misinformation.

And misinformation used to destabilize so people will have no ability to comprehend what the hell is going on is deliberate propaganda - or psychological warfare.

We as human beings are information junkies - we need accurate and reliable sources of information in order to organize our lives.

Living in an echo chamber of disinformation makes us go crazy with anxiety.

That is what is happening now as globalists put in their final last ditch efforts to make us comply with their climate change agenda, with their transgender and trans human ideology - and their insistence that we comply with their vaccine mandates.

Already mRNA vaccines are being expanded to include mRNA flu vaccines and genetic engineering technology used in the Covid vaccines are expanding into other medical products and devices.

As we have known for at least five years we are in an ideological spiritual war between demonic elites and ordinary humans who wish simply to live their lives.

Elites are so desperate now that ordinary humans have begun to wake up to the truth of climate change and especially to the vast and profound harms of the mRNA vaccines that they lash back with this disinformation campaign - hoping we will buy into the lies.

Maybe you all have noticed that Elon Musk’s X is a swamp of such chaotic misinformation that there is no longer any point in even trying to make sense of it.

Ditto with all of the other social media platforms - with the exception of SubStack - where there is still some semblance of freedom.

So to sum it up we live in the midst of a spiritual and cultural war - without the necessary information we need to make sense of what is happening.

Increasingly we simply turn away from the other platforms and just stop listening to the media.

The more the elites try to game us with misinformation the more we simply turn away.

But since this is the elites main source of control the more we turn away the more outlandish and desperate their attempts to draw us back in become.

Read her full article via the link above.

Busted…the CIA and its Deep State overlords funding the Syrian government overthrow? One of the Globalist’s favorite tricks is to fund both sides of a war.

Israel has reportedly moved its tanks to within 16 miles of Damascus in spite of Benjamin Netanyahu’s claims that they are only in Syria temporarily. Syria is a mess and it’s fixing to get a whole lot worse.

For all of my Christian friends who are cheering the takeover and fall of Assad and Syria, you might want to look a little closer. Increasingly there are more and more reports of Syrian and ethnic Christians being slaughtered by some of the very rebels who ousted Assad. This means since it is believed that the U.S. more specifically the CIA is behind this coup (Colour Revolution) then are American Christians unwittingly playing a role in supporting this tragedy?

COL Douglas Macgregor : SYRIA - a looming crisis awaits.

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom Dec 11, 2024

World War 3 in 2025: The War You're Not Seeing Coming

Andrew Bustamante Dec 9, 2024

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

MAGA - Make America Great Again!

WWG1WGA - Where We Go One We Go All!

You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See!

You Can’t Wake Up - If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep

Thanks for reading What's Going On - Waking Up To The Truth!! This post is public so feel free to share it.


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