Jul 26, 2023Liked by Wendell L. Malone

Would love to see someone, anyone discussing the ongoing disastrous climate warfare via geo-engineering destroying our world. Dane Wigingtin on geo-engineering watch.org on you-tube has been sounding the alarm for many years.....also his documentary " THE DIMMING " is excellent.

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Great suggestion. I spent 20 years of my life working in weather (not TV). US Navy and contract weather observer for the FAA. This us my 50th year storm chasing. Man-made Gloval Warming/images Change us a hoax...a lie.

I will post something on this subject.

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The only source I have is the link listed in my post...linked in my post.

Tucker Carlson | Tucker Carlson Explains The Great Reset: "Europe Is Descending Into Poverty. Donald Trump Caught Onto This Early. The Real Threat to Human Civilization Is Not Global Warming. The Real Threat to People Is Winter. " - Carlson

Thrivetime Show

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Hi Wendell -- I have a specific question:

What is the source and date of Tucker Carlson video that you recently posted (see below)? Is it perhaps your extraction and composition from his various past videos?

Tucker Carlson Explains The Great Reset – posted Jul 21


Many thanks in advance

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The only source I have is the link embedded in my post.

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hmm -- I couldn't find it -- but a lot about that "My Pillow" grifter - Michael J. Lindell.

Remember, together with village idiot Dr. Ben Carson ("pyramids were built by St. Joseph to store wheat"), Michael J. Lindell was selling oleander extract as sure cure for Covid.

Ben Carson, however, switched to groveling gratitude - thanking to Donals Trump for providing him with top medical care after he got Covid - oleander extract was promptly forgotten ;-))

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Tucker Carlson | Tucker Carlson Explains The Great Reset: "Europe Is Descending Into Poverty. Donald Trump Caught Onto This Early. The Real Threat to Human Civilization Is Not Global Warming. The Real Threat to People Is Winter. " - Carlson

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The more you know the more you know that you know nothing. The ones pulling the strings are lying to us every day. They are everywhere! Will we ever get rid of them?

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My opinion, yes. In the end God wins therefore we win.

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Why after all the evidence against the Biden family nothing has been done.

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I also believe that Biden and the whole corrupt evil Deep State Swamp Rats are being allowed to show their true colors. The old "give them enough rope and they will hang themselves" saying applies.

Consider this. What if President Trump would have been re-elected (he legally won the 2020 election) in 2020. He is still the legally elected president and the 2020 election was stolen. Can you image what they would have done to him in the current political environment had he remained in office? Everything wrong in the country would be laid at his feet. In Spite of the fact that they are the ones causing the chaos and destruction.

It sounds bizarre and strange but in some sense the American people as a whole never would have woken up and saw these people for who they really are if we were in office today. For decades we have been brainwashed by the mainstream media, Hollywood, and the Entertainment Industry.

Yes, President Trump started the process of draining the swamp in 2016 but the swamp never got cleaned up. He began the process of exposing them and that process is ongoing. Painfully slow for many no doubt.

Our worldview for many in America is what they have painted for us over he past 100 years. We believe what we have been taught, programmed to believe. Waking up for millions is a slow painful process.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023Author

Not that I am a fan of Fox News but consider the following:

Speaker McCarthy reveals red line for possible Biden impeachment inquiry...

McCarthy says GOP to continue seeking info on Biden family finances unless info starts being withheld.


My opinion is his days are numbered as are his son's. Biden has become an embarrassment to the Democrats/Left/Deep State. Or the actor/actors portraying him. Some think that they want him gone as bad as we do.

Juan O' Savin has been saying for months now that "Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show" is the bizarre political circus unfolding in Congress and the White House. Biden will go at some point in the future I believe. The question is who replaces him? Kamala Harris is VP...naturally she would move up but there are legal questions concerning her ability to step into his shoes.


One cut-and-paste post shared thousands of times on Facebook in recent days claims that she would not be able to become president because, it says, her parents were not citizens when she was born.

“Kamala cannot by constitutional law become President. She is an anchor baby, mother is from India, father is Jamaican, and neither were american citizens at time of her birth,” [SIC] the post’s text reads.

The term “anchor baby” does not appear in the Constitution. The phrase didn’t even exist until a Los Angeles Times article published in 1987. Its popular usage now dates to the immigration reform debates of around 2006, according to The Washington Post.

And while some politicians on America’s far right do believe that U.S. citizenship should not automatically be conferred as a birthright, as it stands now, it is. Further, Article Two merely dictates that a person born after 1787 be a “natural born citizen” of the country, it says nothing about the citizenship of the individual’s parents.

Kamala Harris, like many Americans, is the product of a multicultural family of immigrants. Her mother, who traveled to the United States in 1958 to complete a master’s degree at UC Berkeley, was the daughter of an Indian civil servant who spent some of his career in Zabmia.

“It was a big deal,” Harris’s uncle told the Los Angeles Times last year. “At that time, the number of unmarried Indian women who had gone to the States for graduate studies—it was probably in the low double digits. But my father was quite open. He said, ‘If you get admission, you go.’”


So if she is disqualified then the Speaker of the House (Kevin McCarthy) would become President under the Constitution. You can rest assured that the Left will find a way to prevent this from occurring.

There is a lot of discussion taking place indicating that the Democrats are maneuvering to prevent McCarthy from getting into the office and instead they want Gavin Newsom.

How this all plays out will be interesting to say the least.

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