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Chaos Coming As The War For America Heats Up!

Thursday, June 13, 2024.

I clipped the opening twelve minutes of Patriot Street Fighter (Scott McKay) latest interview with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD on 6-11-2024. Watch the full interview via the link.

The Book Of Eli Soundtrack - Atticus Ross - Topic Nov 6, 2014.

Those of us who watched the epic movie “The Book of Eli” will never forget the soundtrack or the movie itself. Denzel Washington was incredible in the movie. That soundtrack came to mind this morning as I wrote this stack. Given current events one has to wonder just how close are we to a disaster here in America and the world such as Eli struggled through.

Personally, I am praying and hoping that things won’t get this bad. But how bad will they get is the real question? Just how far are the Globalists willing to go to stop President Trump from getting back in office in November? What crisis, what emergency, what trigger will they use to stop this from happening?

Some Of The Current Flash Points:

  1. Coming Economic/Banking/Dollar Crisis.

  2. Ongoing Southern Border Emergency.

  3. Another Cuban Missile Crisis Looming.

  4. Threat Of Nuclear War In Ukraine & Europe.

  5. Israel/Iran - Gaza/Rafah - Coming War With Hezbollah.

  6. Looming War With China Over Taiwan.

  7. The Unknowns.

At what point does the U.S. military get triggered and cause them to step up? Will President Trump be reinstated back into office by them? Does this happen before the election or after? Or not at all?

The Book of Eli is a 2010 American post-apocalyptic neo-Western action film directed by the Hughes Brothers, written by Gary Whitta, and starring Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis, Ray Stevenson, and Jennifer Beals.

The story revolves around Eli, a nomad in a post-apocalyptic world who seeks to deliver his copy of a mysterious book to a safe location on the West Coast of the United States. Filming began in February 2009 and took place in New Mexico.

Thirty years after a nuclear holocaust caused an ecocide, Eli travels on foot across the wasteland of the former United States. Wearing sunglasses and ragged clothes, he demonstrates uncanny survival and fighting skills.

Nearly four years ago Juan O’ Savin started warning us of another Cuban Missile Type Crisis. Say what you want about the man… he was dead right, again. Don’t think for a minute that Putin is just playing games in sending his Navy to Cuba. There is far more to this move than what the MSM is telling us.

Modern-Day Cuban Missile Crisis - How Far Will It Go?

Russia Flexes in Cuba - SITREP 6.11.24

Monkey Werx US

Meanwhile, The showdown between Russia, NATO, and the West in Ukraine and Europe continues to grow more dire by the day. Putin isn’t bluffing and neither is NATO and the West. The very thought of engaging Russia in any type of nuclear war is nothing short of insanity.


Canadian Prepper June 12, 2024

"Russia could WIPE the U.S. East Coast off the map" Fmr. Marine Scott Ritter | Redacted

Redacted June 11, 2024

Russian warships arrived in Havana harbor which sits 90 miles from the U.S. border. Former U.S. Marine Scott Ritter says this is already beyond the level of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Are we heading for full scale war?

Scott Ritter: Risking Nuclear War June 12, 2024

Update on the Southern Border Emergency!

Perhaps one of our greatest immediate threats to the country, if not the greatest is the ongoing emergency on our Southern Border. And to a lesser extent our Northern Border with Canada.

All kinds of numbers keep getting thrown around concerning just how many illegals have entered the country under Biden. Best guess seems to be around 20-30 million. Not counting the got aways and the alleged 30-50 million who came in during the Obama years.

What role will the 2,000,000 plus military-aged men (mostly Chinese) play in the coming months to further destabilize the country?

RED ALERT!! Border CHAOS Coming!? Border Experts Victor Avila & Big Foreman Mike Sound The Alarm!

David Nino Rodriguez June 13, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Are We Already in the Middle of a Second Cuban Missile Crisis?

By John Mills Jun. 12, 2024, 7:45 am

A Russian Naval Task Force will be visiting Cuba this month.  During the Cold War, Russian long-range bombers and naval vessels routinely visited Cuba, but since those times, the visits have been few.

The naval task force is rather modest, a frigate (a small-er ocean-going surface warship), a nuclear submarine, a tanker, and a large tug.  Cuban officials said the ships are not armed with nuclear weapons.

The frigate and submarine combined can carry up to 80 Zircon hypersonic missiles between them, which at the Zircon’s maximum known range of 620 miles could hit a U.S. target in less than eight minutes.  They could simultaneously devastate the two major U.S. Navy East Coast bases of Norfolk and Mayport with no notice.

The Russian Force is being trivialized by the Biden Team.  The Russian Naval Force was, “notable but not concerning” according to two, Biden Officials.  The officials also said that the deployment was possibly a message from Russian President Vladimir Putin who stated that Moscow may take “asymmetrical steps” elsewhere in the world in response to President Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to use U.S.-provided weapons to strike inside Russia.

Concurrent to the Russian deployment to Cuba, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will be conducting the largest naval exercise ever in the Baltics, right off the Russian city of St. Petersburg.

Forgotten over the Russian naval task force is last year’s announcement that China was opening a spy base in Cuba and establishing an enduring military training presence.  When China has established overseas bases like Djibouti in Africa, they have placed missiles to protect their facilities.

The agreement from the Cuban Missile Crisis was that Russia would remove offensive missile in Cuba in return for an American promise not to invade Cuba.  China was not part of this agreement and times have changed.

The meaning of the term “offensive” has become a bit blurred when discussing missiles.  Chinese S-300/S-400 missiles may already be in Cuba to protect their spy base and military training presence.

The challenge with the S-300/S-400 missiles is that although titled as air defense missiles, they are capable of being used as surface-to-surface missiles like the old American Nike Missile System a capability not well known, even by American forces.  A disturbing bonus feature of the S-400 is that it is nuclear capable in the Russian version, which is the same version the Chinese have.

The American Intelligence Community (IC), despite their immense capabilities, do not have the resources to collect AND analyze all information from all sources on all topics.  Intelligence Community Directive 204 establishes the priority of collection and analysis – and establishes a cut line of what will be analyzed and actioned.  If a topic is below the cut line – that means intelligence may be collected, but no one is analyzing and actioning what is collected.  Using an Intelligence Community expression, I have “low confidence” that the IC has placed Chinese presence in Cuba above the cut line.  I also have “low confidence” that the average IC analyst understands that the Chinese S-400 is capable of striking ground (and air) targets up to Orlando and may be nuclear capable like its Russian counterpart.

The Biden Team seems un-interested in countering Chinese and Russian adventurism in the Americas.  Department of Homeland Security Mayorkas has been to the migrant camps in Panama and done nothing about the Chinese Special Operators proliferating the Southern Border invasion.  General Laura Richardson of Southern Command in Miami has been clear about the Chinese threat but has been ignored and under-resourced.

Russia and China both support the aggression of Venezuela against next door Guyana, especially the prized offshore oil fields off Guyana.  The Russian Naval Force and the possible Chinese missile presence in Cuba could be a powerful covering force to any Venezuelan move on Guyana.

The Biden Team has assured media that six U.S. Navy ships are shadowing the Russian Naval Task force including three Arleigh Burke Destroyers.  This means these are six ships from the stressed and undersized U.S. Navy that have been pulled from other missions to cover this pop-up contingency.

None of this would be or will be happening under President Trump
Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor, is the singular person under President Biden making these complex national security decisions that have possible grave consequences.

His only real-life experience was running the “Russia Russia Russia” election interference operation for Hillary Clinton.  The Biden Team has been dismissive of Chinese influence operations in the Americas, ignored General Richardson’s clear statements of concern, and seems un-interested in asserting the Monroe Doctrine.  But Jake Sullivan has no problem with green-lighting Ukraine’s use of American missiles to strike into Russia.

It is of low likelihood that the IC is paying attention to the Chinese presence in Cuba and if they did possibly notice the placement of S-300/400 missiles in Cuba, likely deemed them defensive even though these missiles can barrage ground targets in Florida up to Orlando.

The fact that the Russian S-400 system is nuclear capable, and that China is not a signatory to any nuclear weapons treaty (other than the Space Treaty) is likely not known by the typical IC analyst busy spying on the Trump campaign.  Blinken promised to bring the adults into the room, he was right – they will there with #47 in January.

Hezbollah terrorists launch massive rocket attack on Israel amid mounting tensions

By Benjamin Weinthal Fox News Published June 12, 2024, 12:56pm EDT

Christian leader condemns attacks that hit historic biblical areas in Israel's Galilee

JERUSALEM — The Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorist movement on Wednesday pummeled Israel’s northern border, including Tiberias, where Jesus performed miracles, with rockets after the Jewish state eliminated a senior Hezbollah commander responsible for military operations.

According to a statement from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the "IDF struck a Hezbollah command and control center used to direct attacks from southeastern Lebanon and eliminated its commander, Sami Taleb Abdullah."

Hezbollah’s aerial warfare apparatus sent a swarm of more than 200 rockets into northern Israeli communities. The IDF did not report any injuries.

Speaking from an Israeli military base in Kiryat Shmona, Netanyahu declared, "We said, at the start of the war, that we would restore security in both the south and the north — and this is what we are doing. Today I am on the northern border with our heroic fighters and commanders, as well as with our firefighters. Yesterday the ground burned here, and I am pleased that you have extinguished it, but ground also burned in Lebanon."

"Israel, from the very beginning, said first Gaza and then deal with the north," Brig. Gen. (Res) Amir Avivi, a former deputy commander of the Israel Defense Forces' Gaza Division, told Fox News Digital last week.

"In the coming weeks, the main missions in Rafah will end. Most of the troops will be sent north and there will be a threat to Hezbollah, calling them to retreat, according to U.N. resolution 1701, and if they don’t retreat, and if there is no American leadership threatening Hezbollah or Iran, and no international pressure, Israel will have to attack and do a ground incursion into south Lebanon while destroying most of Hezbollah’s long-range capabilities," he said.

According to Avivi, the United Nations Security Council has failed to enforce resolution 1701, whose purpose was to disarm Hezbollah following the end of its 2006 war against Israel.

Read the full article via the link above.

As the Shadow War Between Iran and Israel Continues, There’s More Talk About Nukes From the Islamic Regime

By J.M. Phelps Jun. 13, 2024, 11:00 am

With Israel in the crosshairs over threats to attack Iran’s nuclear sites, a senior foreign policy figure in Tehran suggests Iran might already have the nuclear capability to keep them at bay.

Last month, Iran International reported Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani’s announcement concerning the possession of nuclear weapons by the Iranian regime. Re-elected to parliament in March, the insider politician said:

“[Iran has] achieved nuclear weapons, but we do not announce it. It means our policy is to possess nuclear bombs, but our declared policy is currently within the framework of the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action). The reason is that when countries want to confront others, their capabilities must be compatible, and Iran’s compatibility with America and Israel means that Iran must have nuclear weapons.”

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Clare Lopez about Ardestani’s remarks. Lopez, founder and president of Lopez Liberty, LLC, and long-time researcher of the Iranian nuclear threat, said, “Considering all the evidence, it’s very plausible.” She explained that Ardestani would not have been allowed to make his statements without, first, the approval of the regime.

In April 2022, on ISCA News, Iranian Majles member Ali Motaheri admitted that “when we [Iran] began our nuclear activity, our goal was indeed to build a bomb, [adding] there is no need to beat around the bush.”

Statements like these, according to Lopez, are examples that “they’re growing bolder and they’re not hiding it anymore.”

In August 2002, Alireza Jafarzadeh, the Deputy Director of the Washington office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), publicly announced the existence of Iran’s clandestine nuclear weapons program. Over decades ago, satellite images of the Natanz uranium enrichment site and the Arak heavy water facility were being shown for the first time at the briefing. “The Washington, D.C., press conference basically blew the lid off Iran’s government,” said Lopez.

In November 2011, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) produced a report about the Iranian nuclear weapons program, identifying all the “possible military dimensions” of the program, Lopez shared. The report revealed, “Iran was working on a project to secure a source of uranium suitable for use in an undisclosed enrichment program, the product of which would be converted into metal for use in the new warhead which was the subject of the missile re-entry vehicle studies.”

What’s more, Lopez pointed out that the 2011 report not only developed “the hemispheres that go into the pit of a bomb,” but was also experimenting with “multipoint implosion point detonators.”

Lopez said a January 2016 raid directed by the Israeli Mossad further confirmed, like the previous IAEA report, that “Iran was actively working on a nuclear weapons program.” In April 2018, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that over 100,000 files were seized in a Tehran warehouse, including those dating back to 2003 to reveal Iran was setting the stage for nuclear warhead development.

With two decades of falsifying information followed by increased public disclosure of their nuclear weapons program, Lopez said, “I don’t think there’s any question they’re building warheads.” But interestingly, she pointed out, “the international community is going to continue to refuse to call it a weapon until that warhead is actually attached to the nose of a missile delivery system.”

“While I believe they have warheads and they have missiles, I think attaching a warhead to the nose of a missile would result in Israel’s final red line,” she warned. “And you better believe they’re watching, [while] the Mossad is working with internal Iranian opposition, like the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), to offer the warning when Iran makes the decision to attach warheads to missiles.”

“When that time comes,” Lopez said, “Israel’s going to have to make quite a decision.”

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See!

You Can’t Wake Up - If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep!

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