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Martial Law In Israel? - Russia Threatens Use Of Tactical Nukes Against NATO - U.S. House & Continuity of government (COG)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

Link to my cover video:

Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 24, 2024 – US Congress in C.O.G. PANIC over anticipated “mass casualty event”

Mike Adams Sep 24, 2024

What does the U.S. House of Representatives know that we don’t? Why would they want to create an amendment to the Constitution?

As political tensions rise in the U.S., Congress is preparing for the possibility of a major “mass casualty event” that could dramatically change its makeup.

With recent assassination attempts and increasingly heated public discourse, lawmakers are considering drastic steps, including a possible Constitutional Amendment that would allow for the direct appointment of House representatives in the event of mass vacancies.

Or so the cover story goes. Are they trying to protect themselves from removal from office if, and when President Trump returns to office? Or are they trying to maintain their power in the event of a coming national crisis, or catastrophe? Something is very wrong with this picture but what and why?

Remember that President Trump recently stated in one of his political rallies that he will have every single person responsible for election fraud and interference in the 2020 and 2022 elections arrested. He also said that he hopes that the military revolts at the election booth. Cryptic message or comm?


Canadian Prepper Sep 23, 2024

Quotes from the transcript:

A pseudo low intensity state of Martial law which is only going to intensify.  Israel is now in a state of emergency there's a lot of censorship. There's a media blackout so we're never really going to know what is happening there. 

If you are familiar with how the Ukrainian conflict is being reported, well get used to that now taking place in Israel. And get used to only he hearing good news and no bad news the fog of war is about to get incredibly thick. The censorship right now is through the freaking roof.

"We will use tactical NUCLEAR WEAPONS" Russia warns NATO against escalation | Redacted News

Redacted Sep 23, 2024

Quotes from Natali the transcript:

Europe is going on high alert as Russia is now warning tactical nuclear weapons 
will be used against NATO targets if NATO and the United States do not step off which they are not showing that they are inclined to do.

Now Hillary Clinton wants criminal charges against anyone who speaks out against NATO. So what I'm about to say she wants to be criminal. But I'm going to say it anyway and bring it on you warmongering piece of garbage.

Lawmakers Prepare for ‘Mass Casualty’ Event, Push Constitutional Amendment to Undermine Election Integrity and Control House Vacancies in a ‘National Crisis’

by Miriam Judith Sep. 24, 2024 9:00 am

As political tensions rise in the U.S., Congress is preparing for the possibility of a major “mass casualty event” that could dramatically change its makeup.

With recent assassination attempts and increasingly heated public discourse, lawmakers are considering drastic steps, including a possible Constitutional Amendment that would allow for the direct appointment of House representatives in the event of mass vacancies.

According to the Constitution, any emerging vacancies in the House must be filled through elections, unlike Senate vacancies which can be filled by appointment.

However, following the events of 9/11, a law was enacted to enable rapid elections if over 100 House seats are vacant—supposedly to keep the government running as smoothly as possible by expediting the process.

But now, with the shadow of political violence looming large, lawmakers are opportunistically pushing for a system where governors can swiftly appoint new members to Congress, fundamentally circumventing the People’s right to directly elect these individuals by vote.

On Thursday, during a subcommittee hearing on “Preparing for the Future by Learning From the Past,” lawmakers gathered to discuss the amendment.

Rep. Derek Kilmer (WA-D), a leading proponent of the bill, stated during the hearing, “Congress hasn’t fully considered the implications of a mass casualty event affecting members and the impact it would have on our ability to function in a time of need.”

In other words, they are about to consider it. Kilmer is pushing for the bill to be called to the floor for a vote.

Under the proposed legislation, elected representatives would be required to compile a list of potential successors deemed qualified to serve in Congress.

In the event that a House member’s seat becomes vacant due to death or incapacitation, a state governor would have only 10 days to appoint someone from this list, allowing for a replacement until a special election can be held.

Although intended as a temporary measure until special elections are held, it raises the question of whether unforeseen emergencies could arise, delaying the election, allowing unelected representatives to remain in office longer than expected.

The bill could set a dangerous precedent, particularly in a time when public trust in the electoral process is already fragile.

In fact, it’s no surprise that the discussions regarding the bill come just weeks before the 2024 presidential election is set to take place.

Following the election in 2020, Trump supporters stood in unity at the Capitol building on January 6th, to protest the certification of the election over fears that their votes were disenfranchised by fraudulent activity.

During the protest, supporters were ushered into the building by officers in what appeared to be a false flag operation to frame patriots as insurrections, despite no proof of the claim and therefore no insurrection charges against anyone arrested.

Many Republican voters are understandably on edge as we approach the upcoming election as the fears of disenfranchisement that marked the last election continue to grow.

Unlike last time, voters are now more aware of potential fraud as they prepare to scrutinize the electoral process closely. The moment voters get a whiff of suspected fraud, there will likely be an immediate uproar.

This begs the question of if this recent legislative maneuvering is a desperate attempt by the regime to shield itself from the inevitable backlash of a population that feels betrayed yet again. Are they gearing up for not just for an electoral contest, but a full-scale confrontation from the people whose votes they continue to undermine?

The implications are chilling.

Ultimately, it’s clear that the elite in Washington are more concerned about maintaining their power than truly representing those they are meant to serve, and this bill further proves that.

Watch the full video from Thursday’s hearing:

House Administration Subcommittee Hearing on 'Preparing for the Future by Learning From the Past'

NTD Sep 18, 2024

The Subcommittee on Modernization of the Committee on House Administration holds a hearing titled “Continuity of Congress: Preparing for the Future by Learning from the Past” at 12:00 p.m. ET on Sept. 18.

Continuity of government

Continuity of government (COG) is the principle of establishing defined procedures that allow a government to continue its essential operations in case of a catastrophic event such as nuclear war.

Continuity of government was developed by the British government before and during World War II to counter threats, such as that of the Luftwaffe bombing during the Battle of Britain. The need for continuity of government plans gained new urgency with nuclear proliferation.

During and after the Cold War countries developed such plans to avoid (or minimize) confusion and disorder due to a power vacuum in the aftermath of a nuclear attack.

In the US, COG is no longer limited to nuclear emergencies; the Continuity of Operations Plan was activated following the September 11 attacks.

"The Biggest Wild Card In The Presidential Election": Just Days Left Until A Crippling Port Strike Paralyzes The East Coast

by Tyler Durden Monday, Sep 23, 2024 - 08:55 AM

Late last week, the CEO of Flexport - one of largest US supply-chain logistics operators - warned that "the biggest wild card in the presidential election that nobody’s talking about? The looming port strike that could shut down all East and Gulf Coast ports just 36 days before the election.”

The biggest wild card in the presidential election that nobody’s talking about? The looming port strike that could shut down all East and Gulf Coast ports just 36 days before the election. 🧵

— Ryan Petersen (@typesfast) September 18, 2024

With just over a week to go until D-Day, authorities are gearing up as a threatened strike by dockworkers at ports along the East Coast and Gulf Coast draws closer.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is "coordinating with partners across the supply chain to prepare for any impacts" from a possible work stoppage by workers represented by the International Longshoremen's Association as they negotiate with the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), a Port Authority spokesperson told CBS MoneyWatch on Friday.

"We urge both sides to find common ground and keep the cargo flowing for the good of the national economy," added the spokesperson, noting that $240 billion in goods move through the two ports each year and that such trade supports more than 600,000 local jobs.

According to the union, a strike would affect ports from Maine to Texas, and cripple supply-chains worse than the immediate aftermath of the covid shutdown. A stoppage - the first since 1977 - could involve up to 45,000 workers at ports that account for roughly 60% of U.S. shipping traffic, leading to a major disruption of shipments, Oxford Economics said in a report.

"Even a two-week strike could disrupt supply chains until 2025," Grace Zwemmer, associate U.S. economist with Oxford, said in the report.

As Rabobank's Michael Every adds, "US businesses could miss the key Black Friday/Cyber Monday peak sales period. Port trade is around $2.12trn, and 72% would grind to a halt, a one-day strike reportedly taking six days to recover from, a one-week strike in October creating bottlenecks until mid-November, not factoring in Red Sea disruptions caused by the not-terrorist Houthis."

If goods are then forced to shift to the US West Coast ports, Rabobank speculates that Asia-US freight rates could leap to $20,000, far above the peak seen in the last supply-chain crisis. That would mean firms with low margins might opt not to import at all, creating empty shelves.

Read the rest of the article via the link above.

Campi Flegrei Supervolcano in Italy becoming increasingly more active and threatening!

Magma and NOT Gases is causing the Land Uplift ! Magma has risen close to Surface ! Eruption Next ?

On the Pulse with Silki Sep 24, 2024

Campi Flegrei in Italy is facing a new reality and even the Director of the Vesuvius Observatory and INGV in Italy that observes the Campi Flegrei Supervolcano and Vesuvius is expressing caution.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

WWG1WGA - Where We Go One We Go All!

You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See!

You Can’t Wake Up - If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep

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