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Chaos In The Carolinas Will Spread To The Rest Of America! - Port Strike Causing Panic Buying At Large Retail Stores!

Thursday, October 3, 2024.

Link to my cover video:

David DuByne shares disturbing news from North Carolina: It’s collapsing into a MAD MAX existence

Mike Adams Oct 3, 2024

What we are watching unfold in the Carolinas, and nearby areas, the unimaginable nightmare, the chaos, the despair, the hopelessness, and the anger, are but precursors of what is coming to the rest of America. Chaos rules the day. Horror story after horror story covers the pages of Social media. There are so many you can’t keep up with them all.

Numerous credible reports all over X, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and others of people in western North Carolina are reporting seeing bodies, parts of bodies floating down still-flooded rivers and streams. Bodies and body parts hung up in the trees and brush…including children. Dead children with ropes tied around their hands and arms to floating debris in a last-ditch desperate attempt to save them from drowning. An unknown number of the deceased are being found in the massive piles of rubble. One county alone in the Asheville, N.C. area is reportedly claiming they have discovered 1,200+ bodies. You won’t hear this from FEMA, the government, or the mainstream media.

Local heroic rescue efforts by ordinary Americans who have shown up on their own time and dime to help are being thwarted and shut down by FEMA and local government officials. Helicopter pilots and volunteer rescuers are being denied access to the hardest hit areas some with the threat of arrest if they enter these areas. The FAA has now instituted temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) to prevent private citizens from flying their drones over the stricken area in order to help locate those stranded and in need of rescue or help. Even so, local American heroes are finding resourceful ways of desperately trying to help those in need. You can’t kill the American spirit and this is what is going to get us through America’s coming “Near Death Experience.”

Large retail stores like Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco, and others are already experiencing shortages in the Carolina and nearby areas and parts of the East Coast according to what I’m seeing on Facebook, X, and others. This will spread across the nation as the fallout from the ongoing Longshoremen and Dockworkers strike continues with no sign of ending.

Outrage is building over the failure of the U.S. government’s lack of adequate and proper response efforts. FEMA is running out of money already because our government has given billions to the illegal invaders, Israel and Iran to kill each other, and Ukraine to fight a war with Russia they never had a chance of winning.

Speaking of Israel and Iran the world holds its breath in anticipation of Israel’s promised retaliatory strike at Iran for launching hundreds of ballistic missiles at her a couple of days ago. Iran has promised to shut down the Middle Eastern oil fields and refineries if Israel retaliates. Image the consequences to the world’s economy especially the American economy in the wake of the ongoing port shutdowns.

On a final note, I’d like to thank all of you who take the time to read my stacks/posts, share them, and discuss them, as well as the videos embedded within them. Please share them with your friends and loved ones. As General Micahel Flynn and so many others have been saying:

There is nobody coming to save us...We must save ourseleves and each other!

Courtesy of VeBee @VeBo1991 on X.

If you don’t fear the government yet, you will after watching this. Apply logic to your question WHY! So they can make life of disaster victims as miserable as possible; where people give up, leave their homes never to return…. #AbandonedAmerica

US Civil Defense News @CaptCoronado on X

Update: Yemeni Houthi forces hit another oil tanker in the Red Sea!! @disclosetv on X.

Nighttime satellite image courtesy of the Greenville - Spartanburg, S.C. National Weather Service Office on X.

Red indicates roads, highways, and interstates shut down from the flooding via Google Maps. Posts on X and other social media sites are claiming that portions of I-40 and I-26 in western Carolina will be shut down well into 2025.

Ann Vandersteel™️ @annvandersteel
Asheville, NC
Hurricane Helene Dispatch

I just spoke with a registered nurse who wishes to remain anonymous. She works at Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC.

She has been working every night at hospital since last Tuesday and tonight is her first night off.  She will return to Mission tomorrow to work another 6 nights. When she was called in she was told that she would receive crisis pay for the first 3 nights.  Now she is receiving over time.

When she arrived for her 5pm shift, she was told to  clock in and not to clock out until given the ok to leave.  She stayed until today and was paid to sleep at Mission Hospital with only mats on the ground in classrooms..

Stealing food: 
People are coming in off the streets into Mission Hospital and  are stealing food that is supposed to be for the staff.

Mental patients running loose:
Due to the loss of electricity, doors at a neighboring behavioural health hospital would not lock.  The Mission security guards were pulled from guarding their own hospital and sent to work at the behavioural health hospital as psychiatric patients were escaping and running loose. They have been guarding all doors since Sunday night to prevent any pych patients from getting out.

Due to the security risk of unknown people just showing up for food and shelter, the behavioural health hospital is only allowing 1 visitor / patient because according to a security guard who spoke to my nurse source (hearsay) people are showing up with guns to get food.

Upon leaving her long shift yesterday morning - my source saw that there was a line out door of people waiting to get in.  She witnessed a patient in a wheelchair slumped over  and left in the middle of the road.

The nurse also witnessed a man on stretcher with a neck brace, and watched the medical team pick him up, transfer the patient to a wheelchair and just left him there with no further care.

Currently there are no beds for people in Mission Hospital ER - they are keeping patients in the hallway.

They can’t discharge anyone as once the patient is  on the floor, you can’t get them out. This is a result of no gas in cars, no one to transport the patient and home meds are not available to them at this time. The hospital is only providing critical meds to them, and  only for  5 days at at time.

The local news is underreporting the fatality count stating only  160 bodies have been recovered to date.  I reported that a sheriff  personally pulled  and bagged over 1200 bodies out of a rivers and from the side of roads.

They are still missing 1000 in Swannanoa alone..

90% of the nurses have voted to strike against the hospital. Since the hurricane, they have not come up with day to start the strike.

My source's spouse said that he did witness that the American Red Cross is helping...for what it is worth.

It is the people providing most of the on the ground support, logistics, supplies and rescues.

Still developing.... #OperationBurningEdge


Redacted Oct 3, 2024

Biden-Kamala Regime Burns $1 BILLION in FEMA Funds to Resettle Illegal Immigrants — FEMA Now Lacks Resources for Disaster Response!

by Jim Hᴏft Oct. 3, 2024 8:15 am

As Hurricane Helene tears through the eastern seaboard, leaving devastation in its wake, the mismanagement of FEMA under the Biden-Harris regime is hitting home with deadly consequences.

The storm’s ferocious winds and torrential rains have claimed at least 190 lives, left millions without power, and trapped countless families in floodwaters across North Carolina and beyond. Entire communities have been cut off from vital resources, with citizens scrambling for help.

Yet, in the face of this national disaster, the Biden-Harris administration’s FEMA appears woefully unprepared.

Why? Because over the past two years, they have funneled more than $1 billion in taxpayer dollars away from American disaster relief efforts — and into the pockets of illegal immigrants.

Read the rest of the article via the link above.

North Carolina’s Democrat Governor Roy Cooper Still Hasn’t Deployed 1,000 Troops Approved to Assist in Hurricane Helene Recovery: REPORT

by Cristina Laila Oct. 3, 2024 12:00 pm

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper (D) still has not written up mission orders that the troops need after Joe Biden approved 1,000 active duty military personnel to help Americans after Hurricane Helene ravaged the Southeast.

Hundreds of people are still missing after Helene. Search and recovery efforts were delayed because Joe Biden was lounging at the beach last weekend and Kamala Harris was busy fundraising in California.

Read the rest of the article via the link above.

Mountain Mule Packers Deliver Relief Supplies to North Carolina Flood Victims as Biden-Harris Regime Fails – MUST-SEE VIDEO

by Margaret Flavin Oct. 3, 2024 11:40 am

Concerned Americans are delivering much-needed supplies to suffering flood victims by pack mule as the Biden regime continues to fail in its responsibilities.

According to Dr. Clayton Forrester, The Mountain Mule Packer Ranch, based in North Carolina, a company that provides pack mules to the US military, is using its mules to deliver supplies to the stranded residents in Black Mountain and Swannanoa, North Carolina.

Read the rest of the article via the link above.

Here We Go: Panic Buying at Costco Over Port Strike Fears

by Kristinn Taylor Oct. 3, 2024 2:20 pm

Shoppers at Costco stores around the country are reported to be panic buying water, paper towels, toilet paper and other essentials over concerns brought on by the International Longshoremen’s Association’s strike affecting East and Gulf Coast ports. Some stores have lines of customers waiting to get in that extend to the parking lot.

Read the rest of the article via the link above.

Supply Chain Hell: 91% of Prescription Drug Imports Impacted by Port Strike by The Wellness Company

Zero Hedge: Oct 3, 2024

The feared port workers strike is no longer just a nightmare potential scenario, it is now an all too hellish reality.

The impacts will be faced across many sectors, but nowhere will the impact be more severe than in the pharmaceutical sector.

Read the rest of the article via the link above.

Juan O' Savin sent out an email this morning:

Hi Folks, Juan here:

As promised, the new 2024 El Magador 1oz silver coin is about to be released. While the Magador art remains the same, the motto has changed from ‘Justice is Coming’ to the new and final slogan for this year: BY DAWN I WIN.

Why is this minor change so fun and important to me?

The amazing movie Sum of all Fears mirrors this very moment in history in many ways. In the movie, treasonous traitors stage a false flag involving a nuclear explosion with the intended purpose of triggering a broader all-out nuclear war between Russia and America.

In the end, the perpetrators are ferreted out, exposed and dealt with as the Italian opera plays Nessun Dorma in the background. The Italian words in the finale translate in English to BY DAWN I WIN. The hero in the opera has a plan and knows that as the sun rises out of the darkest of nights, he will come out victorious.

Do you know where else I’ve heard the song Nessun Dorma played on several occasions? None other than at Mar-a-Lago.

Did you also catch that after President Trump accepted the Republican Nomination as its candidate for the 2024 Election, the convention closed out the evening with this same song Nessun Dorma?

In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of President Trump, FLOTUS penned a letter to America noting President Trumps “laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration. The core facets of my husband’s life - his human side…” (emphasis mine).

Could it be that this victorious song Nessun Dorma reflects the very challenges and coming victory our President keeps his collective eyes on?

As our Ship of State enters into the darkest of nights over these next few months and the storm now rages ahead of us all, I would suggest we all breath deeply and join our ‘Magador in Chief’ singing and shouting defiantly at the deep state bull. BY DAWN I WIN symbolizes keeping our eyes on the horizon where by the dawns early light I know we will see our flag still waving.

Luciano Pavarotti sings "Nessun dorma" from Turandot (The Three Tenors in Concert 1994)

Warner Classics Jun 7, 2019

The Sum of All Fears

YouTube Movies & TV May 31, 2002

Ben Affleck is ready for action, commanding the role of CIA agent Jack Ryan in this thrilling adventure based on the Tom Clancy bestseller. America's Cold War fears are rekindled after the President of Russia dies and is succeeded by a man with a cryptic past. But East-West tensions erupt when the CIA suspects that renegade Russian scientists are developing more nuclear weapons. Mobilized into action by CIA Director William Cabot (Morgan Freeman), Jack Ryan (Affleck) follows a danger-ridden trail to a shocking conclusion: terrorists plan to provoke a war between the U.S. and Russia - by detonating a nuclear bomb at a championship football game! Costarring James Cromwell and Liev Schreiber, The Sum of All Fears adds up to the year's most explosive entertainment.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

WWG1WGA - Where We Go One We Go All!

You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See!

You Can’t Wake Up - If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep

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