There is growing talk about a civil war in America. I don’t advocate this in any way, shape, fashion, or form. I am 100% against this. This would be the worst thing that could happen to us. While killing each other in the streets the Deep State and their Globalist masters would unleash our enemies upon us. Think about this before you go off on a tangent screaming lets get this sh…t over and done with.
Having said that it may happen whether I or you, or anyone else wants it to or not. If civil war does break out it will start right before the November election or immediately afterwards. The key to it kicking off will be the election results.
Neither party is going to be happy with the election results.
If Cackles wins the republicans are going to have a melt down because she is not legally able to hold that office. If President Trump wins the Demoncrats will do the same. If we don’t have this election, and it gets suspended or delayed due to some national emergency, crisis, war, plandemic #2, etc, then this too will cause chaos.
No matter what happens with the election trouble is coming.
Serious escalations and conflicts are already brewing in the bigger blue cities. Aurora, Colorado is just a test run. It is not the only one with illegal gangs taking over urban areas.
If we do go into a civil war it will involve these armed illegal militant gangs and terrorist groups that have illegally been brought in.
You’d better get prepared now if you haven’t already because time is running out.
Pray for America and God help us all!
Link to my cover video:
Venezuelan Gangs Sent to America By Design
Greg Reese Sep 06, 2024
Destruction of America happening now from within
It is being reported that the Venezuelan gang, Tren de Aragua, began taking control of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado last November. While mainstream media and government ignore it, local news is covering it.
“So now your investigator, Brian Moss, has obtained a confidential report into one of those apartment complexes. And that report says a Venezuelan gang began taking it over in 2023.” “This is the nine page report. It was put together by a Denver law firm. They say they were hired to look into the Whispering Pines Apartments by the building's lenders. Last month they sent this report to Aurora's mayor, city manager and police chief. As recently as Tuesday, residents at the Edge apartment complex in Aurora pushed back on reports that a Venezuelan gang had taken over their building. But five miles away at the Whispering Pines, a 54 unit apartment building in Aurora, this detailed letter, asking for confidential treatment of the contents, shared a different story. It was sent to Aurora officials on August 9th, with the investigators saying the evidence we have reviewed indicates that gang members are engaging in flagrant trespass violations, assault and battery, human trafficking, sexual abuse of minors, unlawful firearms possession, extortion, and other criminal activities. According to the law firm's report, the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, has threatened to kill and in certain instances has apparently actively attempted to kill members of Whispering Pines management. The report says a consultant for the property management company was severely beaten and stomped by gang members and was hospitalized. The alleged incident, recorded by building cameras with screenshots attached to the letter. The report relies on a property manager who said that gang members allegedly stabbed a Whispering Pines resident for refusing to pay rent to the gang. He also told the investigators the takeover began last November. The report recounts that this summer, the gang approached the property manager and told him they would help him out in exchange for half of all the rent that he collected. The law firm that wrote the report call that an organized crime tactic. The gang members then allegedly took over vacant apartments. According to the document, moved families into those units and started collecting rent. The law firm says this is a picture of gang members breaking into a vacant apartment so they could move a Venezuelan family in and then collect rent. This is our business plan, one gang member told a housekeeper. If he, the property manager, doesn't like it, we'll fill him with bullets.” ~ Brian Moss, CBS Colorado
There are reports of this Venezuelan gang in Colorado, Illinois, and Texas. And according to a recent Dr. Phil interview with retired special agent with U.S. Immigration, Victor Avila, this is all being done by design.
“Venezuela, by the way, has the lowest murder rate ever right now. What does that tell you?” ~ Victor Avila, retired special agent U.S. Immigration “Yeah. All the murderers are gone.” ~ Dr. Phil “They’re here.” ~ Victor Avila, retired special agent U.S. Immigration “Yeah. So is it true that they're emptying prisons? I mean, is this Cuba all over again?” ~ Dr. Phil “This is not a hearsay. There was a memo by DHS last year admitting that, in fact they knew, that Venezuela's government was emptying their prison and rehabilitation centers or drug centers, releasing them on purpose because they knew with instructions to… if they were going to get out, you're going to make your way to the US. That is not… we're not making that up. That's true. It was reported on and DHS admitted that that was happening. And in fact, it has. El Tren de Aragua is heavily present in our country now.” ~ Victor Avila, retired special agent U.S. Immigration “Okay. So you're telling me that DHS has acknowledged that Venezuela, for example, is emptying their prisons and their rehabilitation centers with the understanding, you’ll get out if you leave here and go to the United States?” ~ Dr. Phil “Yes.” ~ Victor Avila, retired special agent U.S. Immigration “And DHS has in writing said, we know that's happening. We know they're coming here. We're processing them in and have no idea where they are?” ~ Dr. Phil “Correct.” ~ Victor Avila, retired special agent U.S. Immigration “How many people are we talking about?” ~ Dr. Phil “Millions. And just Venezuela alone.” ~ Victor Avila, retired special agent U.S. Immigration
Venezuelan Tren de Aragua Gang Members Threaten to Kill Property Managers at Aurora, Colorado Apartment Building
by Cristina Laila Sep. 6, 2024 10:30 am
Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang members threatened to kill the property managers at the Whispering Pines apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, according to a lawsuit filed by a law firm that represents the lender on the property.
“Tren de Aragua has threatened to kill (and, in certain instances, has apparently actively attempted to kill) members of Whispering Pines management…” according to the lawsuit obtained by CBS News.
The property manager with 15 years of experience in the businesses told investigators, “He had never seen anything remotely like the Tren de Aragua takeover of Whispering Pines in his entire career.”
“The gang activity at Whispering Pines escalated in 2024,” according to the document obtained by CBS News Colorado.
According to the document, in April 2024, a housekeeper called the property manager “informing him that two individuals at the property went into an apartment, came out with large firearms, and were coming to kill him (the property manager).”
Two TdA gang members were arrested as they were coming to kill the property manager.
One tenant at Whispering Pines was stabbed by the gang members for refusing to pay “rent” to them.
The gang members told a housekeeper, “This is our business plan,” and if the property manager doesn’t like it, “we’ll fill him with bullets.”
The property manager told investigators that the TdA gang members host “parties” in the vacant units where they “serve drugs and child prostitution.”
CBS News reported:
A Denver law firm, hired to look into an alleged gang takeover of an Aurora apartment building, says they found the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang began taking over the Whispering Pines Apartments in late 2023. Since then, the gang has engaged in violent assaults, threats of murder, extortion, strongarm tactics, and child prostitution as they have exerted a “stranglehold” on the Aurora apartment complex. That’s according to a letter sent to Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman, Aurora City Manager Jason Batchelor, and the interim police chief that was obtained by CBS News Colorado.
Each page of the nine-page report was labeled “CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED.” The Perkins Coie law firm shared its findings on Aug. 9 with Aurora’s top administrators.
“The evidence we have reviewed indicates that gang members are engaging in flagrant trespass violations, assaults and battery, human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors, unlawful firearms possession, extortion, and other criminal activities, often targeting vulnerable Venezuelan and other immigrant populations,” wrote T. Markus Funk, a former U.S. Attorney.
More on this story from CBS News:
Colorado law firm report claims Venezuelan gang has "stranglehold" on apartments
CBS Colorado Sep 4, 2024
A Denver law firm, hired to look into an alleged gang takeover of an Aurora apartment building, says they found the Venezuelan gang began taking over the Whispering Pines Apartments in late 2023.
Our Government is Preparing for Civil Unrest-Elections
Sandy Steinbrook Sep 2, 2024
Reports indicate that the Federal, State and Local governments are preparing for civil unrest around election time in America. So shouldn't we prepare our homes too for the possibility of civil unrest or chaos surrounding election results.
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!
You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!
There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See!
You Can’t Wake Up - If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep
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