The only issue is that these genetic things are not vaccines…we don't even know if they all have mnra or spike….they sure as shitbhave DNA antibiotic plasmids in them, personally i think in future we are all gonna die from small cuts that get infected..or pneumonias..or rheumatic fever…etc.

Let's go back to the Middle Ages…thanks you psychopaths (meaning scientists and the global rico operations that are the who the nih/ Fda and everyone else involved in plasmids for the past 50 years). A pox on all your houses

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I’ve Got $100 That Says :

If Enough Doctors Die

We Can Cure Cancer.


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no…gvb is always WRONG. he needs to go back to squeezing the anal glands on dogs

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I just read about more avian flu propaganda going around (stuff like it could kill 50% of humans who get it, which I can’t find a source which have data showing such a high number). When I went digging I found a link to the latest numbers from December 22 to February 26, only 5 human cases of avian flu and 6 of other animal flu like cases, (in the world! Or the world that they track so whatever percentage of the billions of people ) they did not say how many died (weird right if it’s so deadly why wouldn’t they note it there🤷‍♀️)…https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/influenza-at-the-human-animal-interface-summary-and-assessment-26--february-2024

Anyway I do have concerns about the health issues that the vaxxed (and sure unvaxxed) may face, I know where I live I heard some vaxxed seem to have a tough time with respiratory infections (not saying deaths just dragging on for a few weeks and getting it more then once in the winter🤷‍♀️ hopefully they can get their immunity back up). I am still worried about increase rates of sepsis infections, cancer, myocarditis, nervous system disorders and neurological issues. And of course blood clots and sudden death. I noticed in friends in forties Guillane Barre and shingles. I am not sure about any pandemic type talk amongst regular people but who knows what the media will spin.

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Calling the injection operation “experimental,” as Geert Vanden Bossche and Elijah Schaffer do in this video, is wrong.

“Experimental” implies a good-faith scientific endeavor to learn information not already known, to gain knowledge and usually benefit humanity.

A bioweapon operation violates every principle of this definition.


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We must differentiate between the “virus” and the vaccine.

If there was a virus then it will mutate over time.

Using a vaccine to stop the virus will speed up mutation because it causes the virus to change its pathway to outwit the vaccine.

What is not being discussed is the action of the vaccine on the body.It also changes the natural immune system… lowers certain protectors like P53 … P450.. toll like receptors CD4 CD7 and 8 which protect against misfolded proteins… often the starting point for most cancers.

These vaccines also reverse pathway to interfere with dna .. and alter the complex process of the mitochondria… the machinery of the cell is altered beyond recognition.

GVB does not address this at all… he keeps banging on about the “virus” not the effect of precipitins that come from repeated vaccines using synthetic proteins.. that create long fibril strands that cannot get broken down because the jab altered the very machinery that clears unwanted material and debris… long Covid is actually long vaccine damage.. and the ONLY way back out of the maze.. is to stop taking the jab.. and begin cleaning up the mess it caused.

Proteolytic enzymes.. autophagy.. mitophagy.. GBV does not even try to offer any solutions.. it’s all being driven by a hypothesis based on mutations.

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Mass casualty event is well under way, from mass poisoning by lethal injection.

GVB’s role seems to be to obfuscate the poisoning with pathogenic priming narratives, amplify the ‘mistakes were made’ undercurrent, protect the lie that says virology / vaccinology / immunology are not pseudoscience junk, and keep the mental doors open for more harmaceutical (sic) interventions.

He’s likely an operative who gained prominence bestowed for a purpose that is now coming into view. Along with many like him…

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