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Hurricane Helene And Weather Wars!

Wednesday October, 2, 2024.

Link to my cover video:

How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium

Greg Reese Oct 01, 2024

We have had the technology to create, control, and steer hurricanes for decades.

Greg Reese makes compelling points about weather modification and minapulation in his latest video…my cover video. Did the U.S. government or military use Direct Energy Weapons to enhance, control, or change the course and speed of Hurricane Helene? The truth…nobody really knows in my opinion, we can only speculate.

I don’t have any concrete proof that they did. I’m not saying definitively that they did, nor am I saying that they did not. Because, in my opinion, we just don’t know for sure. Social media has been covered up with all kinds of posts, videos, and comments that people are claiming that yes they did do this. Yet none of these people who are posting this stuff have any absolute proof to back up what they are posting or talking about.

I’ve spent my life (over fifty years) involved in weather and climate. Twenty of those years in a professional role. I have been a certified government and U.S. Navy surface weather observer, limited forecaster, upper air observer, and radar observer. I am still an active storm chaser, weather observer, photographer, and National Weather Service Skywarn Storm Spotter.

I’ve spent over fifty years of my life working closely with many National Weather Service meteorologists and forecasters via their volunteer Skywarn Program. I spent eight years as our local county coordinator and two years as a regional coordinator. These are good people as far as I know whose intentions are to help save lives and protect property. They are dedicated professionals who have our best interests at heart when it comes to severe weather…in my opinion. Have they been put under a gag order not to talk about the Doppler radars? I don’t know. This is the first that I have heard about this.

So my opinions on this subject are not off the cuff…more specifically they are not just unfounded and baseless. I bring a measure of expert level of knowledge to the table on how the atmosphere works and why. I am not a meteorologist but I can hold my own with my life experiences, and knowledge of how the atmosphere works and why. I was around when the first forecast computer models were developed and rolled out to the public way back in the 70’s and 80’s. I was a radar operator long before the advent of the Doppler radar rollout. See my weather web page at:

Welcome To Southeast New Mexico Weather.

Just because a person can pop up on TikTok, X, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or other Social Media sites, and post a video with all kinds of wild and crazy claims about weather modification, and climate control, does not mean that it is true, nor what they are necessarily claiming is true. Sorry to burst your bubble but there simply is a lot of bullshit floating around out there that has no credible backing. These baseless claims are not helping anyone.

There are a lot of people who are claiming that Hurricane Helene sped up in its forward movement/speed once it made landfall in the Florida Panhandle near Tallahassee. That is true. Here is why it did. A large closed upper-level low was parked over the southern states at the time. That upper-level low had already dumped a lot of heavy rain on that region before Helene impacted the area. So this compounded the catastrophic flooding issues that unfolded once Helene arrived. That upper-level low grabbed Helene so to speak with its southerly winds aloft and slung the hurricane northward… eventually the two systems merged as one as Helene dissipated.

Fujiwhara effect

The Fujiwhara effect, sometimes referred to as the Fujiwara effect, Fujiw(h)ara interaction or binary interaction, is a phenomenon that occurs when two nearby cyclonic vortices move around each other and close the distance between the circulations of their corresponding low-pressure areas. The effect is named after Sakuhei Fujiwhara, the Japanese meteorologist who initially described the effect. Binary interaction of smaller circulations can cause the development of a larger cyclone, or cause two cyclones to merge into one. Extratropical cyclones typically engage in binary interaction when within 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) of one another, while tropical cyclones typically interact within 1,400 kilometres (870 mi) of each other.

The reason Hurricane Helene acted so strangely and abnormally in its forward speed and accelerated rapidly northward is because of the Fujiwhara effect. Yes, it is extremely unusual for a hurricane to move that far inland and maintain its strength, more specifically its hurricane-force wind field. It’s not unusual for a hurricane of this strength to dump that much rain on one area as it is dying. But this was compounded by other factors including its interaction with the large closed upper-level low to its west and northwest.

When Helene reached the Gerogia, western North Carlolina, and South Carolina areas she still had all of the energy and moisture of a powerful hurricane. Then she nearly stalled over that area as she unloaded trillions of tons of rain water in her dissipating stage. When you dump twenty to thirty inches of rain on those mountainous areas in a short period of time you have all the makings of a catastrophe.

I’ve seen countless videos and posts with the so-called or alleged “straight line” radar beams projecting out of the National Weather Service Doppler radar nationwide networks. I’ve read many of the claims that these are high-energy weaponized beams that are being aimed into thunderstorms, hurricanes, etc from the radars to enhance them or steer them. Wrong. Many times these anomalous radar beams are simply anomalous propagation and can even be caused or produced by the radar beams interacting with the rising or setting sun.

See: JetStream Max: Anomalous Propagation

The people who are posting this crap have no credible evidence to support their baseless accusations. In my opinion, most of these videos and posts are click bait traps being put out there by people who have no clue as to what the hell they are talking about. Some of these posts and videos may even be Black Hat operations to instill fear and confusion.

See: How Radar Works, and How Do Radars Work?

I am of the opinion that some of the people who are posting these videos have good intineitons and honestly believe what they are putting out there is true. But there are a lot of them who are doing this just for attention in my opinion. They want their fifteen minutes of fame and Social media is a great way to obtain it. Social media has created a lot of so-called experts who don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground when it comes to many of the things they are writing and posting about…again in my humble opinion. It’s amazing to see how many gullible people are out there.

It is not my intent to call anyone a liar or to defame them, or slander them, but I do question the material some of them are presenting. The famous “Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see” quote comes to mind.

Until someone can come out with actual proof that the government or military or enemies “seeded” or manipulated this hurricane I will remain somewhat skeptical. And I’m not talking about some wild-ass baseless claim from a TikTok or YouTube video either. We don’t know what these people are doing to us because they operate in the shadows, in the dark, behind our backs, secretly. And the last thing they are going to do is admit what they are doing to us. This is what makes them so dangerous.

Social media has been both a blessing and a curse. It has allowed us to have an avenue to see, and present real truth on subjects that the mainstream media and our government have been lying to us about for generations. It is also a curse to a point. Anybody can claim just about anything without any real proof or evidence to back those claims up and millions will swallow it hook line and sinker. So very few take the time to research anything anymore. If it’s on social media then it’s gotta be true right?

Am I saying that Greg Reese is wrong? No. He provides actual credible evidence in his video to back his story up. There are others out there who are doing the same thing. I’m pointing out the amateurs who are making baseless, exaggerated, wild claims because they can, knowing few will question them.

Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, parts of Tennessee, and other nearby areas have been devastated by Hurricane Helene on a level that is hard to comprehend. I can’t help but think of the many times that Juan O’ Savin has warned us over the past year to expect the unexpected. This certainly fits his warnings.

My heart and prayers go out to all of the millions who have been affected by this modern day tragedy. This was no ordinary hurricane. That is a given. God himself only knows at this point in time how many lives have really been lost and just how bad the damages really are. Do you really believe the mainstream media is telling you the truth about this mess? I don’t.

Do I believe that the U.S. government, military, and our enemies use secret weapons against the American people and each other? Yes! We’ve seen Direct Energy Weapons used against us before in places like Paradise, California, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, Ruidoso, New Mexico, Chile, and others. My question is to what extent. Just how powerful are these weapons?

See some of my stacks/posts on this listed below.

Remember not everything bad that happens in nature is manmade. God is still in control and this includes the weather.

2 Chronicles 7:13

If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;

Psalms 135:7

He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain; he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries.

Having said all of the above let me close with this. We are in the most dangerous times in our American history. I am as red-pilled as you can get. But I also see and believe in a part of the black-pilled narrative. My eyes are wide open and I’m watching, ever learning, and constantly trying to bring you the truth of what’s really going on. Do I always get everything right? No. Do I make mistakes? Yes? But I try hard believe me.

This is no easy task because we all are being lied to and deceived daily by our own government and the mainstream media. There is an active plan to destroy America (that means you and I) internally, from within. I don’t trust our government or the mainstream media. We the people are caught up in the middle of an information war. Both the White Hats (dedicated loyal Americans, behind-the-scenes officials, military officers, and others who support and believe in America and the Constitution) and the Black Hats (Globalists, Deep State, the SES, and their Swamp Rats) are battling to control the narrative. I simply don’t trust a lot of what is being posted online.

No doubt there has been an epic failure on the part of the Biden Administration in their pathetic efforts to help the thousands if not millions who have been impacted by Hurricane Helene and her historic flooding. There is no excuse for their failure to show up and help. On top of this, the absolutely ridiculous lies they are rolling out in an effort to justify their actions are absurd.

Wake up, folks. This is all intentional. It’s not incompetence it's being done on purpose. These traitors are killing America one razor slash at a time. One crisis at a time. They don’t give a shit about you and me!

The U.S. Postal Service has suspended mail delivery in many of these areas…just in time for the election. Why? So these people can’t vote early or by mail-in ballots? Most of these areas are “red” and support President Trump.

I believe that Greg Reese and others are correct about the so far failed efforts of the government and others to try and force these people out of their homes, and off their lands because they want them to build these new Lithium mines. What do they want the Lithium for? Their green electric vehicle batteries. There is a massive fortune to be made here.

Be careful what you read, watch, and hear because both sides are at war with each other, and they are constantly putting out tons of disinformation. And we the people are the targets of their informational warfare.

For all of my new readers and subscribers…Welcome To The Great Awakening! Thank You for subscribing and reading my stacks/posts.

Continue to pray for the victims of Hurricane Helene and America! Help them if you can.

Q drop #4860God woke you up for a reason. Q isn’t talking about waking you up from your natural sleep. This Q drop is a reference to our mental and spiritual sleep.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

WWG1WGA - Where We Go One We Go All!

You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See!

You Can’t Wake Up - If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep

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