Did Georgia really???? Rafensberger and kemp the davos boy are still here!!!

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Thank you for being so honest open and hard working!

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These racists pig niggers need extermination!!!!!!’

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Unfortunately, elections are not the way for the right to win. They are not the way that the right CAN win.

For many decades, the Republicans have won about half the elections. But in that time the right has lost almost everything. The leftists now control almost all of the institutions in America. Most of our freedoms are being taken away. Republicans ran for years promising to repeal Obamacare. But when the Republicans had the power to do it, they refused. Republicans ran promising small government and lower taxes. When Republicans won, government got bigger, taxes went up, and the national debt increased.

When the Republicans are elected, they become Democrats. Are we supposed to believe them AGAIN? Let them stab us in the back AGAIN? By electing Republicans we LOSE. Elections have become a fraud. Only Uniparty politicians win. We the people lose.


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