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The Ghost: The Coming Purge Of Americans/25-50 Million Dead? - Greg Reese - USA State Sponsored Terrorism - John Rich - Will There Be A Rapture?

Friday, September 20, 2024.

Link to my cover video:

The Ghost- "The Coming Purge Of Americans?" 9-19-24

Ninos Corner Tv Sep 18, 2024

The Ghost claims he has intel stating that the last big move by the deep state will be an activation of immigrants and deadly diseases. He states that it could turn our American cities and neighborhoods into kill zones. House jackings and deadly pathogens could strike at any time between now and November. Could an activation of immigrant gangs to purge Americans be the last and final card they play? Is our military wearing civilian clothes and walking the streets right now preparing for this coming conflict? I'll leave this up to you to decide folks..

Holy crap the Ghost unloads with both barrels in his interview with David “Nino” Rodriquez. He does not hold back one bit. To me this is very telling because he has never one to put a date on upcoming events. Game over folks…as he says in the interview. Now is the time to keep your head on a swivel. I clipped twenty eight minutes of the interview for my cover video. Follow Nino on X at David Niño Rodriguez @ninoboxer, on Truth Social at David Nino Rodriguez @DavidRodriguezboxer, and on Rumble at Ninoscorner.

USA State Sponsored Terrorism

Greg Reese Sep 19, 2024

Israel attacks Lebanon

Hezbollah under fire: The number of casualties from beeper explosions is worse than we thought

By MAARIV SEPTEMBER 20, 2024 03:42

While the official death toll stands at 32, on-the-ground estimates point to dozens more, as explosions in Lebanon expose Hezbollah's severe vulnerabilities.

The Lebanese Health Ministry has reported 32 deaths as a result of communication device explosions that occurred over the past two days, in addition to 2,400 injured, including 1,300 severely or moderately, Maariv reported on Thursday.

Following these events, Lebanese media has reported that wireless communication devices, such as beepers and walkie-talkies, would be prohibited on planes, which may indicate concern about the impact of these devices on national security.

Meanwhile, an official in the IRGC instructed officials to distance themselves from their phones, apparently due to concerns about possible vulnerabilities or sensitive information leaks. These steps indicated the growing regional tension and the need to maintain security. Maariv also reported that specialized military units have been detonating suspicious beepers and communication devices in various areas.

Read the rest of the article via the link above.

Courtesy of Shadow of Ezra @ShadowofEzra on X.

Matt Gaetz has disclosed that a senior Department of Homeland Security official informed him of five active assassination teams in the U.S. with the mission to kill President Trump. Three of these groups are foreign, while two are domestic. Gaetz further revealed that, even after the first attempt on Trump's life, his security was deliberately weakened, leaving him exposed to these ongoing threats.

Jeremiah 18:8, “If that Nation Against Which I Have Spoken Turns from Its Evil, I will Relent of the Disaster that I Planned to Bring on It”

by John Kachelman, Jr. Sep. 19, 2024 3:00 pm

As the US Congress is debating the Continuing Resolution (CR) that authorizes the national budget, most are concerned about the government shut-down that will occur if the CR is not passed. “Woe!” is being sounded by various Congressional members announcing the calamitous ruin that will fall upon our nation if the CR is not passed by 01 October 2024. The calamity is NOT coming because the CR is not passed. The calamity is coming because of our nation’s evil. Evil has resulted because our national leaders have rejected God and trusted on self-serving agendas.

Benjamin Franklin’s words are as true today as when first sounded:

“I’ve lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing Proofs I see of this Truth — That God governs in the affairs of Men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without his Aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that except the Lord build the House they labor in vain who build it. I firmly believe this, — and I also believe that without his concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future Ages.”

In the context of the above consider the situation in which the United States of America exists today. Consider the current standing of our national character with a realistic understanding of the way our current government is functioning. You will see the consequences that Jeremiah 18:8 portends. Here is a shocking validation of our national actions…

State Department Paying to Put on Play Where God Is Bisexual and Communists Are Good—in Bid to Push LGBTQ Agenda Abroad

Through tax-payer Federal Grants…The Biden-Harris administration is paying to

  • Put on a play that portrays God as bisexual

  • Angels have “eight vaginas” and are “equipped as well with a bouquet of phalli” and that the universe was created by God “copulat[ing] ceaselessly” with these hermaphroditic beings

  • Sharply criticizes former President Ronald Reagan

  • Paints communists in a positive light

  • Pushing gay rights on Southeastern Europeans

  • The State Department greenlit funding for a showing of Tony Kushner’s 1991 play “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes” in North Macedonia

  • Raise awareness about “LGBTQ+ issues”

  • A main named Belize is a former drag queen

“In the Manichaean world of Angels in America, everything Reagan stood for (capitalism, etc.) is evil,” a National Review critic wrote of the play’s HBO adaptation in 2003.

The State Department’s production of an anti-Reagan, pro-LGBTQ play is not its first exercise in using theatrics for the purposes of social engineering as it spent $120,000 in 2023 to “improve communication at the level of the local community on the social issue of LGBTQ rights and domestic violence via participatory theater” in the African nation of Chad.

“Culture—from music to sports to theater—is a vital component of the United States’ people-to-people diplomacy efforts in Chad and around the world and supports broader U.S. foreign policy goals” (a spokesperson for the DOS department).

I copied this from Juan’s email that he sent out this morning:


Hi folks. Juan here.

As I’ve stated on multiple occasions, this election’s outcome is going to be very muddy. In fact, it will be paused most likely after election day, because the results-no matter who reportedly wins-will be contested as unverifiable, and therefore uncertifiable.

The voter rolls in multiple swing states-according to authorities in those states-are cluttered with millions of voters who are ineligible to vote, or in many cases deceased. There are more and more election officials concluding that the legal challenges that will be made against these swing states have the possibility or likelihood of not allowing their states to be represented at the electoral college vote of Jan 6 of 2025 due to the large number of illegal and qualified votes.

Try to imagine; How will the voters in those states react when they learn that officials in their states who are responsible for conducting the elections knew of the problems but did not correct them so that their votes could be eligible to be added to the national election totals? Can you imagine the angry sea of faces from citizens of both parties, when they learn that their states electoral college votes will not be counted, because the vote is uncertifiable? Remember, the remaining states have a right not to have their legitimate votes neutralized by a hand full of states that have gone rogue.

Several states have a nearly impossible task ahead if they want to participate and be counted on January 6th. They would have to clear the voter rolls of the unqualified votes and voters, and address the machine’s inaccuracies and vulnerabilities. Which is unlikely to occur, especially since-in days-early voting starts in many states far sooner than the elections themselves. Almost without exception, the issues currently being discussed are not new, and at this point, both the election officials acknowledge this fact and the public digests it. It will also be obvious that this has a legacy back to 2020 and beyond. If these issues were known and not corrected, the question is, did they affect the outcomes of the election in 2020 and 2022? The whole mess is leading directly to a constitutional crisis for America. I would suggest everybody put your tray tables up and stow any loose items. It’s about to get very bumpy!

The message from page 71 of my book is coming full circle. It’s still all about election 2020. How so?… Because if you can’t certify the 2024 election and nothing of substance has changed since 2020, then that election and its purported outcome cannot be allowed to stand!

SHOCKING TRUTH! Will There Be A Rapture?

David Nino Rodriguez Sep 20, 2024

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

WWG1WGA - Where We Go One We Go All!

You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!

There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See!

You Can’t Wake Up - If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep

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