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Was The Moscow Massacre A False Flag Attack By The CIA - If So What Comes Next?

Monday, March 25, 2024

Russia believes that the terror attack in Moscow on Friday was a Ukrainian and CIA operation. How many Americans understand the implications of this? What will the ramifications of this heinous act be? What will Putin do to retaliate? Will he continue the restraint he has shown thus far in his war with Ukraine? Or will he pull out all of the stops and give NATO and the West the war they want so badly?

Reports coming out of Russia and other media outlets say now that some 137 mostly women and children were killed. The number of injured varies from 180 to 500. Reportedly there were 6,200 attending that concert. And they were all targeted to be killed in the attack. This attack took place during a children’s concert. What do you think the Russian people feel about NATO, the West, and America now? How would we react if this were us?

Yet the mainstream media in America and most of the rest of the world continue to promote the “ISIS” connection. You really don’t believe that the mainstream media is about to admit that the attack in Moscow was orchestrated by the CIA, and carried out by Ukrainian operatives, do you? Yet behind the scenes, they seem to be gloating over the fact that it was and that it was at least in part successful.

Sadly millions of Americans have bought into the ISIS narrative. Many in America are still gullible beyond belief refusing to wake up and take the time to see what is really going on.

Two years ago Russian forces attacked Ukraine on February 24, 2022. During the first few months of this ongoing war, I asked this question multiple times on different social media sites. Do you believe that the U.S. and NATO will be involved in an all-out war with Russia over Ukraine?

At the time I was nearly laughed off of some of these sites. It isn’t so funny now as the reality of that question is starting to hit home. Remember the Biden Administration has already floated the idea of bringing back the draft. The Deep State thugs in America want a hot war with Russia so bad they are willing to go to any length to get it in my opinion.

Russia is not America’s enemy. Today’s Russia is not the same country as they were under the ironclad rule of the former Soviet Union. Russia is not our problem. Our problem, our enemy resides within our own gates. The Trojan Horse was let in a long time ago. America is a captured nation. Captured by these globalist mafia groups that are fighting for control of the whole world.

These Satanic Globalist Occultists know that they have but a short window to carry out their plan to conquer the world. They know that their days are numbered. This has caused them to become desperate. They, like we are in the fight for their lives. Desperate people do desperate things.

We the people can only guess as to what and who has come across our borders especially our southern border going back to the days of Obama and before. One day we are going to wake up and our world will have changed forever. These terrorist sleeper cells will have been activated and when they are the fallout will be unimaginable.

Link to the cover video:

War Correspondent Michael Yon Warns Russian Style Terror Attacks Coming To America

The Alex Jones Show Mar 24, 2024

Selected quotes from the transcript of the video.

Alex Jones:

Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel how do you expect this to unfold? Because no doubt the sleeper cells are here. What we just saw in Russia is a prelude. How do you see this playing out?

Michael Yon:

Extremely bloody. Extremely bloody. The likes of which...I mean, I call it gigasite. I've been calling it that for a long time now. You know, giga meaning billion. I mean, and so far as the death jabs go, plus the clear famines that will be unfolding over time, there's a long flash to bang on these famines, but they're clearly coming.

And that drives that human osmotic pressure, the push and the pull of  migration, that hop, the human osmotic pressure to go right through places like Darien Gap, right up on our shores in Florida, Camp of the Saints style,
through our northern border of Canada. It's hardcore.

I mean, this is going to be an incredible war, the likes of which humanity has never seen. It's crystal clear. And it's all about conditions. As you know, you've talked about this before. It's not about sparks. It's about conditions.
And the conditions are set and they're becoming worse. The sparks are coming.

Ann Vandersteel:

You know, Alex, the United Nations has a responsibility to protect doctrine built right in. And they have that there, that clause is there for moments when countries go completely upside down. And General Flynn has talked about, you know, the Chinese right now currently have seven, at least seven divisions of military age men in this country.

And we know that Customs and Border Protection can't- I think I've seen seven divisions come through the Darien Gap.

Michael Yon:

I mean, a little bit of exaggeration there, but maybe three divisions. And I'm not exaggerating on that. I mean, it's unbelievable.

Ann Vandersteel:

So imagine if we have containers stashed around the country with blue helmets, UN uniforms, and then, of course, any other arsenal that, you know, these heathens that have come across the border that do not believe in the Constitution, clearly because they're coming in illegally, they're stepping on it as they come across.

Imagine when that erupts.

Imagine when the EBT cards are cut off and all these migrants, quote, migrants, don't have money to put food on the table. Where are they going to come?
We're going to see our cities burn and you're going to see suburbia invaded.
That's what's coming and the UN is poised and ready to come in and set up martial law under the quotes, responsibility to protect.

I skipped down a little bit in the interview for this.

Ann Vandersteel:

Yeah, Alex, the sad reality of the entire situation is when you look at everything and you look at who's actually really funding this, Americans are funding their own gallows. The United States taxpayer is inadvertently having their money diverted to the United Nations. You have talked about this ad nauseum.

When you look at what happened in Russia, clearly Russia has been, I would say, more of an ally to the United States than NATO has, if you look back in the last 100, 100 plus years. Let's go back to the Revolutionary War. They were crossing blockades, same in the war of 1812. Did Russia ever invade the united states? No. The United States invaded Russia, or as uh your previous guest just talked about.

Thank god you have people who can actually bring true historical facts in the situation right now because you're not going to get it here in the mainstream media. You're only going to find it on your show and others and at the at the sad truth and at the end of the day Alex people have to make a choice, just like Jack said.

We have to decide, is it going to be team humanity or is it going to be the tyrants? And right now you have tyrants around the world that are destroying and warring against their people. And when I look at the Western civilization, what they're doing, run by the international banking cabal, that needs, yes, another war because the dollar is going down in flames. Bricks is rising like a phoenix out of the ashes.

Alex Jones:

Well, Ann, that's what I see, and I'm going to shut up, is major globalist desperation, which we go, oh, great, they're desperate. No, that makes them more dangerous. This is crazy.

Ann Vandersteel:

Yeah, they're literally a caged animal that has been cornered and they're dying. They've taken a lot of darts and the Federal Reserve, the International Banking of all, the Bank of International Settlements, they are all under fire.
Why? Because 75% of the world's GDP has moved away.

And Joe Biden made the unfortunate forced error to kick Russia off swift last year. And how has that turned out for them? Well, Russia is not hurting.

Tara Reid was on Kyle Serafin over the last couple of months, and she was over in Russia because she, of course, was one of the people who was assaulted by Joe Biden. And she was in the ear of the producer telling the producer who was forwarding it to me that she's just astonished at the caliber of the middle class in Russia, that they're not living hand to mouth like the middle class here.

Alex Jones:

Tucker Carlson saw the same thing. So, Ann, let me ask you this and also ask Michael Yan this as investigative journalist, both of you. I mean, all the world in war zones, Michael. How would you describe this point in time we're in and the fact that the globalists are this desperate to talk about ISIS? I mean, I have the Jerusalem Post admitting ISIS was created by Israel and Obama, but the public still doesn't remember that. And they go, oh, ISIS took credit, but then they tried to run back to Ukraine. What do you think of the terror attacks yesterday, Michael Yon?

Michael Yon:

It clearly was sponsored by somebody, you know, to get into Russia and commit that atrocity. Somebody is behind it. And those are the people that need to be hunted down. Those are wherever they are. They may be in Switzerland.
I don't know where they're at, but wherever they are, they need to be hunted down and taken care of.

Ann Vandersteel:

Can I say something on ISIS, Alex, when it comes to ISIS?
I mean, we all remember that picture of John McCain, right, standing there with his friends.

Alex Jones:

With the ISIS leaders, yeah.

Ann Vandersteel:


And we know that the CIA, just like every good intelligence organization, has to create their own boogeyman. Look at Mossad creating Hamas. Look at CIA creating ISIS. ISIS equals CIA, CIA equals ISIS.

So for them to come out and for ISIS to stand there and say, oh, we are taking the blame, to me, is really more of a false flag on the whole thing. I don't believe it was ISIS.

I believe it was our own CIA working with the usual suspects to do exactly this, to create this event, this horrific false flag that murdered over 150 people, I think, at this point, and over 150 more severely injured, and they still expect the death toll to go up. 

This has the hallmarks, again, of the Western countries provocating another war, poking the bear. 

And how many times is Putin going to be standing there as the adult in the room, holding it together until we can somehow remove this corrupt regime that is being controlled by the international banking cabal so that we can bring back peace to the world?

President Trump managed to sequester peace around the world through international trade deals, unilaterally trading country to country, mano y mano. He weaponized peace. With the purse. And it's really that simple.

And, of course, the bankers are showing you just how desperate they are.
The time is running out. You've got 22 states here in America, Alex, that are standing up gold-backed currencies. That's how desperate they are.

Terrorist Attack on Russia Has USA Fingerprints All Over It

Greg Reese Mar 25, 2024

Al-Qaeda was created by Western intelligence to fight the Russians, and has been used as a catalyst for illegal wars and tyrannical laws ever since.

Over a hundred people were murdered in Russia on Friday. Including women and children. Eleven terrorists were captured by Russian authorities as they attempted to cross the border into Ukraine. They are being interrogated and all roads lead to the US State department, who have been directing Ukrainian forces since their 2014 coup.

The attack occurred on March 22nd, or 3/22. 322 is the mysterious number used by Yale’s infamous Skull and Bones society. The official story is that 322 symbolizes the year 322BC to memorialize the event seen as the turning point which transformed Athens from a democracy to a plutocracy. A plutocracy is a society that is ruled by no other political philosophy other than the financial elite being in control of the people’s destiny.

The Skull and Bones is a grooming academy for the CIA. Such as, former director of the CIA, George Bush. And 322 is there calling card.

During the Tucker Carlson interview, President Putin was clearly speaking to the CIA. The CIA responded in a New York Times Article admitting that they are using Ukraine as a proxy to wage war against Russia. Weeks before the attack, Victoria Nuland repeatedly boasted that Putin was in for a nasty surprise.

On March 7th, the US Embassy issued a warning about the threat of terrorist attacks in Moscow, specifying ‘concerts.’ The British Embassy in Moscow mirrored this warning.

Days before the attack, Barack Obama paid an unexpected visit to the British Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street.

Within hours of the attack and without any evidence, the US government blames the attack on the Islamic State and says that Ukraine is not involved.

The next day, while Russians were grieving, CIA mouthpiece, The Washington Post, gloated how the US had prior knowledge of the attack, and people still died.

It has been noted that the terrorists were either professional assassins or trained by Western forces. For they were demonstrating NATO training methods such as shooting in small bursts, trigger control, and proper mag reloads

For anyone with eyes to see, this is the Modus operandi of the West. Al-Qaeda was famously created by Western intelligence agencies to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, and has since been cultivated by the US government and used as a catalyst for illegal wars and tyrannical laws against US citizens

Ukraine spy chief said three months ago, expect more attacks deep inside of Russia.

Dmitry said that everyone is asking him what to do. He answered that, those who were caught need to be killed. But it’s much more important to kill everyone involved. Everyone who paid, who sympathized, and who helped. Kill them all.

CENSORED: Russia's Top Broadcaster Joins Alex Jones Live On-Air To Discuss WWIII

The Alex Jones Show Mar 24, 2024


Reporterfy Media & Travel Host: Alex from Reporterfy Media Mar 25, 2024

In this comprehensive video, we delve into the complex web of geopolitical tensions shaping our world today, with a particular focus on the interactions between the United States and key players like Russia, Ukraine, Iran, and China.

Starting with the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we analyze the political, economic, and military dimensions of this confrontation, exploring its roots, current status, and potential future trajectories. The implications of this conflict extend far beyond the region, impacting global security and alliances.

Next, we examine the intricate relationship between the United States and Iran, particularly amidst the backdrop of nuclear negotiations, regional power struggles, and the broader dynamics of the Middle East. With recent diplomatic developments and shifts in regional power dynamics, understanding the US-Iran relationship is more crucial than ever.

China's rise as a global superpower is undeniable, and its interactions with the United States have significant ramifications for global trade, technology, security, and human rights. From trade wars to territorial disputes, we analyze the multifaceted relationship between the world's two largest economies and the implications for the global order. Furthermore, we explore the upcoming US elections and their potential impact on foreign policy decisions.

As the world watches closely, the outcome of the elections will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of US engagement with key international actors, influencing everything from trade agreements to military interventions.

Through expert analysis and insights, this video provides a comprehensive overview of the current geopolitical landscape, highlighting the interconnectedness of global affairs and the importance of informed engagement in shaping our collective future. Join us as we navigate the complexities of international relations in an ever-changing world.

This Is Not ISIS - Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief on Moscow Concert Hall Attack

11:34 GMT 23.03.2024 (Updated: 11:54 GMT 23.03.2024)

Ukraine and the West have resorted to false flag operations to persuade everyone that ISIS* was behind the terror attack in the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow, said Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of Sputnik's parent media group Rossiya Segodnya.

The head of the media group stressed that the names and faces of the perpetrators are already known to authorities and that the terrorists gave everything away during interrogation.

“It immediately became obvious why US media were claiming in unison that it was ISIS," she said.

Simonyan explained that the perpetrators were chosen to carry out the attack in a manner that would allow the West to persuade the international community that ISIS was behind the attack.

“Basic sleight of hand. The level of a railway thimble-rigger," she added." It has nothing to do with ISIS. It's Ukrainians."

She added that the enthusiasm displayed by Western media when they tried to persuade everyone that ISIS was responsible even before arrests were made gave them away completely.

“This is not ISIS. This is a well-coordinated team of several other, also widely known, abbreviations," Simonyan concluded.

The shooting occurred on Friday evening in the Crocus City Hall concert venue just outside Moscow and was followed by a massive fire, claiming at least 143 lives.

In the hours following the attack, Western media insisted that radical jihadist organization ISIS was behind it, while Ukrainian officials also said that they had nothing to do with the tragedy.

However, suspects were detained in Russia's Bryansk region near Ukrainian border. According to the data provided by law enforcing agencies, they had a support base on the other side of the border.

Moreover, while Kiev rushed to deny its involvement into the shooting, Ukrainian secret services have a long track record of terror attacks on Russian territory, from shelling in the Belgorod region to assassinations of political scientist Daria Dugina and journalist Vladlen Tatarsky.

*ISIS (also known as Daesh/ISIL/IS/Islamic State) is a terrorist group banned in Russia and many other countries.

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